
Thursday 30 August 2018

Tomorrow When The Wan Began - Can Do Task

RESEARCH- “Paradise of Hell” is an oxymoron. Find out why oxymorons are used for. Find five more examples of Oxymorons that are used in the ‘real world’ and give their meanings. Have a go at creating your own oxymorons.
Why we use Oxymorons? We use oxymorons so that the sentence can be more dramatic. It is also used so that the reader can stop reading and think about what it means.

Examples of Oxymorons
-Seriously funny
-Clearly confused
-Pretty Ugly
-Awfully Nice
-Walking Dead
-Awfully Good

CREATE- The teenagers have now been scavenging for resources to take back into Hell. Create a checklist of essential items you believe they should be looking for. For each item, give a reason to 
include it and a location they could likely find it. Think about food, shelter, warmth, communication.

-Food (Houses, Malls and stores)
-Water (Houses, malls, stores, clean rivers, lakes etc.)
-Clothes ( Houses, and Malls)
-Essentials (toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, soap, shampoo, etc.) (Houses and stores)
-Phones or Radio ( just in case) (Houses and Malls)
-Batteries (Houses and stores)
-Gas (Gas station and possibly houses as well)
-Lighter or Matches (Houses and stores)
-Flashlight (Houses and stores)
-If possible more survivors (Different Locations)
-More vehicles (Houses and car shops)
- Shelter (if possible in mountains)
-Medkit (Hospitals, pharmacies and some houses)
-Guns or other weapons (Gun shop or houses)
-Walkie Talkie ( If possible ) (Police stations)
-Toiletry (Houses and stores)
-Tools (Stores)

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