
Monday 3 September 2018

Tomorrow When The War Began - Chapter 13

Chapter 13

All the teenagers have a specific role to play in their group. Describe the roles each teenager plays?
Ellie- Ellie is the narrator and like the main character of the book. She is also one of the leaders of the group. She makes everyone feel a lot better even in the situation that they are in.

Homer- He acts like a same as Ellie and he orders everyone to do something. He also comes up with most of the group's ideas and plans.

Chris- He is the patrol or the one who stays awake at night to keep an eye on the surroundings.

Fi- She is like a translator for the group because she can speak and understand different languages. She also motivates the group.

Robyn- She helps Ellie turning his plans into actions. She also acts like a medic because of how she treated Lee when he is shot.

Lee- Lee has been quiet and he hasn't done much in this past chapters because he is injured, but if we're going to look

Kevin- Kevin is the one who is low-tempered and takes everything seriously. He wants to do everything in a physical way. He gave splendid ideas that had positive effects on their group.

Corrie- Corrie is has been quiet in this past chapters as well but she can be easy to talk to and she can also motivate the group.

According to what the teenagers hear on Corrie's radio, why would America be best not to get involved in Australia’s struggle? Because if America got involved in the invasion - just like the invaders said - it will be a catastrophe. Basically, it will be deadly and it will tremendously cost lives and money. I think that it is a good idea - for the Americans - because you wouldn't want your people to die from the other country's problems. But I also oppose the idea of not helping other countries because it can cause another war between Americans and Australians.

Why is Australia being invaded? According to the invaders, it is because of the unbalance between the region. We still don't know who and where did these invaders come from but I think that they want something from Australia.

A reader can infer many things from the snippet of news heard over Corrie’s radio. Which country or countries are likely to have invaded Australia? Fi did say that it was Taiwanese but there can be more countries that invaded Australia and the Taiwanese can just be an ally of the main country or the perpetrator of the invasion.

How are the prisoners being treated? The invaders did say that the ones who got captured are being treated like normal people. If they were injured, there are medics and doctors that can help them, It wasn't in the book but I think that they are being fed properly. But they were not given freedom to do anything they want.

What do Kevin and Robyn argue about? Do you think Robyn’s points are fair? They were arguing about why they were being invaded. Kevin said that they were supposed to fight back against the invaders because they were the ones who started it all. Robyn - who is not against the idea - sees the situation in a different way. Robyn kinda accepts that they deserve the invasion. They kept going until Homer made a poll or a voting system on how or what they should do.

Chapter 14

What reasons does Ellie give Lee for not wanting a relationship with him? Ellie said to Lee that she is still not sure about what she feels about Lee. When they kissed, Ellie said that it means something but she also said that it could just the effect of the situation that they were in on that night. Ellie is stressed and she also dreamt about Lee that night.

What do you think are the real reasons? I think that she is afraid and confused about what she is feeling. She didn't only like Lee but as well as Homer. She is afraid that she was going to pick the wrong choice.

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