
Monday 13 August 2018

Tomorrow When The War Began - Chapter 9

Why, in Ellie’s opinion, is Cobbler’s Bay and Wirrawee so important to the invaders?
It's probably one of their tactics. Just like Ellie said, Wirrawee is a good starting point to attack because they don't have the right equipment to attack back. She also said that they were just using Wirrawee to see or have a view on the rest of the city of Australia. So basically they were looking for an opening or an opportunity to attack other cities or towns. They also chose Cobbler's Bay to land because it is not that visible in some areas so it's a perfect land off to the invaders.

Corrie and Ellie reminisce about how innocent they were in high school and even a few days ago. Why were they still innocent then? Why are they no longer innocent?
They did not assume that invasions and wars will happen to their country. So they live their lives full of happiness and good memories. They used to believe in different fantasies and have a normal life until the war or the invasion began. They already felt the atmosphere when there is war. They weren't innocent anymore because experiencing war is not normal. It's a hard time to live a normal life again. They also don't know if they were going to survive it. Ellie has already killed people, who would be a normal person in a short period of time when you already killed people.

Why does Homer think splitting up is a good idea?
Splitting into two different groups is a good idea because just like Homer said before, getting caught into small groups is better to be caught in a large group. He said that he and Ellie should go and take a look at what happened to Robyn and Lee. And the others go back to "hell" and wait for them. From my own perspective, it is a good idea because no one should be abandoned in times like this. Taking risks like this can be dangerous but having more people in the group can have benefits on surviving.

Why do you think the author added the few lines about an Australian jet flying overhead.
The author added this so that it could have more information or detail that war is happening. War is not a war if the invaded country doesn't do anything. Probably the other cities figured out that Wirrawee is in a state of war so the government decided to have a look around on what's going on. The lines did really have a tremendous and a dramatic impact on the story because we can imagine how intense the story is.

By blowing up Corrie’s house, what does the invading force demonstrate to the teenagers?
They showed that they can do anything, even harm anyone, who does not obey them. They also showed that they have the power to destroy cities with ease. The soldiers also demonstrated that they have the experience to notice if there are people in a house even if they are hidden. That's why they decided to blow up Corrie's house.

Why do you think Corrie reacted the way she did?

Who wouldn't feel the same way as she did? Our homes are full of rich memories that represent us. And to be destroyed just like that is like taking away our memories of our lives. Corrie is depressed on what happened on what happened to her family's house.

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