
Tuesday 21 August 2018

Tomorrow When The War Began - Chapter 10

Why does Homer insist on going on with the plan after Corrie’s house blows up? How does he convince Corrie that this is a good idea?
They need to save or even find out what happened to Robyn and Lee. Corrie is curious and caring about her friends and she doesn't want anyone to be left behind. Even taking such a risk that could take their lives. He also said that they need to find them so that they can have a good number in their group so if the time comes when they need to fight, they can fight back with 7 people in their groups instead of 5. Homer also convinced Corrie by saying how it can benefit the group and how it could impact these future situations.

Describe the strategy Homer and Ellie use to ensure their safety when riding their bikes into town. What does this show about how they are starting to think?
They hold their hands showing that even in times of war they can show that they are still "friends". They also played games so that they can pass time. While there on there way to Robyn's can be better by taking caution or observing the area. They did that when their close to their destination but not when they are still miles away from them.

Why do you think Mr. Clement is reluctant to help Lee and Robyn? How would you react in his position?
He is scared and worried about himself. He just stayed there until Lee and Robyn noticed him. He might possibly be thinking that Lee and Robyn are working for the soldiers because in that time almost everybody in the town is captured. He did give them valuable information about the soldiers because he was so paranoid and scared about what's going on. 

I think I will react calmly because if they were soldiers they would probably have guns. So when I see them I would talk carefully and give them valuable information and tell them about what's going on.

How has Homer changed in Ellie’s eyes since the invasion?
According to Ellie, Homer change in an instant. She described Homer as an arrogant and a troublemaker, but when the war happened he transformed into a clever and more mature man which makes Ellie have second thoughts on Homer. She might also have feelings for him. 
What are the 2 different types of soldiers and how do they each treat the inhabitants of Wirrawee?
Mr. Clement told Robyn and Lee that there are two types of soldiers, professionals, and conscripts. Professionals are the ones who are trained and are used to this sort of situations. They were more careful and they basically know what to do. Conscripts are the ones who are not properly trained and can be just a volunteer. They joined the invasion so that it seems that they have a big number of soldiers that are professionals.

Why do you think Robyn had the strength to carry Lee?
She is worried about Lee so Robyn had adrenaline to carry Lee and put him in a safe spot. So Robyn got her strength from fear of losing one of her friends.

How have the group decided to rescue Lee, whose idea was this and why do they think it will work.
They started throwing ideas on how they can save Lee. Ellie suggested carrying Lee with the shovel of the bulldozer. She said it that it seems like a joke but the rest of them said that it could work.
What do you think happened to people who ‘tried to be heroes?’
I think that they were probably just doing what they were asked to do. There might be some professionals with them so they have a high chance of survival, but when they were the only ones left, they only have a low chance that they can succeed. 

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