
Wednesday 8 August 2018

Tomorrow When The War Began - Chapter Five & Six

Chapter Five:

What does Corrie’s choice in career say about her character?
Corrie enjoys traveling around the world. It seems to me that she is caring and very helpful. She said she has a passion to be a nurse so that she can help not just her country but other countries of the world. She is devoted to everything including his passion to be a nurse and traveling which makes her an eloquent character.

The group’s ability to avoid arguing with each other is rare- do you think that there would have been more drama if you and your friends went bush for a week?
I think that there will be no problem with us if we go bush for a week. My friends and I are mature enough to keep our feelings and thoughts to ourselves, after all, we are boys. My friends don't usually have dramas with each other but we do have some misunderstandings, we do tease each other sometimes but we already know that we don't mean what we said. I do think that there will be some problems but if we just talk it through we will be fine.

Why do you think Ellie and Lee feel uneasy just before their return to Wirrawee from the Bush?
They started worrying about what's going on when they saw those planes. Their curiousness made them feel anxious. They feel something is going without them knowing about it. They are also curious about their loved ones.

What do you predict will await the group back home, why do you think this?
I think that the atmosphere of the place that they will live in will be different. There will be chaos, war, destroyed towns and a lot of casualties.

Chapter Six:

What is the first sign that something is wrong with Ellie’s house?
Their family's dogs are dead, which is odd because their parents usually don't leave their dogs in that situation.
Who is the first person to really realize what is happening?
I think that Lee is the first one to realize what's going on and what situation their country is in. Lee already said to them that they were probably being invaded while they were going bush. When they got back, Lee said something to Robyn, Robyn's face changed.  Ellie did not bother to ask him because she already saw Robyn's facial expression, she tried to handle his emotions under control so she just stayed quiet. Lee also had an excellent idea to test if the radio is still working. In that kind of situations, listening to the radio will help you to know what's happening to the country you live in and more information and answers.

What is Ellie’s reaction to this person’s caution? Why do you think she reacts this way?
Ellie responded to Lee by saying to him that he should stop having negative thoughts. Ellie does not agree with Lee because she doesn't want to think the same way as him.

 How is the pace in this chapter different from the chapters before?
The mood and the atmosphere change dramatically. The way Ellie narrated the story also changed. She became more serious about what's going on in that situation. In the past chapters of the story, it seems that the setting and the mood is still cheerful, but when they got home it changes to being cheerful to being miserable. The way when they excited when they were traveling and depressed when they got home. 

If you were in this situation, would you test the radio or not? Give reasons for your thinking
Testing the radio won't lose anything and it will help you to have more information and more answers. It might not work but testing it would be a marvelous idea. In this times of issue listening to the radio or having one will really help you in these kinds of situations like war or other issues. The government will really help you how or what you are supposed to do. 

Do you think the way the teenagers reacted to the realization that Australia may have been invaded or at war was realistic? Why/why not?
The way that the teenagers reacted to the situation is not that realistic. There are different kinds of examples like how the invaders attacked Australia. If I were the one who led the invation. I would not just focus on one city or town, I would invade two or more cities so that the reinforcements of the country you attacked will not get their country back easily. Another example is how they reacted, If we're in that situation it would take me days or more than a week to control my emotions and realize that I need to do something.

What possible reasons exist that could spark war or invasion of Australia?
The reason could be because of the government, presumably, your country's government and the invader's government could have a misunderstanding. It could also probably because of their past or history. The two countries might have a bad history with each other.

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