
Monday 27 August 2018

Tomorrow When The War Began - Can Do Tasks

VOCABULARY - Find the meanings of the following words, write the meaning using your own words. Manoeuvre, Inconspicuous, Surreptitious, Evasion, Impenetrable, Patriotic, Reconnaissance, Inaccessible, Gaunt, Conscript

Manoeuvre- To move precisely or to move carefully.

Inconspicuous- Not clearly visible due to lack of attention

Surreptitious- Kept a secret since it will not be proved or allowed.

Evasion- Avoiding or escaping

Impenetrable- Incapable of getting through.

Patriotic- Demonstrating or showing devotion or loyalty to their hometown or country.

Reconnaissance- Dispatching a single or a group of soldiers to locate and acquire information on the enemy.

Inaccessible- Unable to access or use.

Gaunt- Exceptionally thin due to different causes like hunger or suffering.

Conscript- Forcing a civilian or an innocent person to join and help military or armed services.

WRITING - Chris fell asleep on sentry duty. Rewrite an ending to this event where the teenagers are found by the invaders. Whose point of view are you writing from? What happens? How do they react/feel?

Point of View (Narrator) - Ellie

Everyone was sleeping like a newborn child. Then suddenly out of nowhere, I heard something coming to our direction, or should I say, someone. I haven't confirmed it to myself yet because I was half asleep but I sprinted and checked Chris if he was still patrolling. I saw him sleeping like comfortably and effortlessly.

"What are you doing?" smacking him on the head.

"What was that for Ellie?" He asked with a grudge on his face.

"We told you to patrol and look out for us, you already had enough sleep" I shouted. " I heard something coming"

"What do you mean?" he asked.

I saw seven little fireflies lurking around a couple of miles away from us. I looked carefully until I noticed that those were not fireflies, their jeeps. I immediately ran to the others to tell what's going on. But it was too late. I heard Chris shouting like it was from a horror movie. It didn't take time to click to their heads that the soldiers are here.

"Oh no!" said Fi.

"We have to get out here as quickly as possible!" said Homer.

"But How?" asked Robin who was about to pass out.

"We don't have much time to run" Kevin replied. "Look at Lee he can't run in the situation that he is in".

"Just leave me behind, this is the last thing I can do to help the group to survive, I'm just a burden to you guys," said Lee.

"We are not leaving you behind" I shouted.

"We have to fight then, go get the guns!" Kevin cried. "I know we can't survive due to our numbers, but we at least yet to try. We can't lose anything now, we already lost everything"

"Drop your gun, Kevin!" said Homer. " I know that you know that we will not survive if we fight them. It will just cost our lives. Guys remember what I said when were in Corrie's house, about surrendering if we are in a situation just like this".

We all nodded. "I think it's time" he continued.

"No, they invaded our country and captured our family in the showground, we can't just do nothing". Kevin started a debate.

"Of course I know that I'm also frustrated just as you are Kevin, but we can't do anything anymore. I also know that our parents want us to survive and be safe. Homer replied calmly.

I know that this is not the right time to feel what I'm feeling right now but I felt proud on how Homer had made an enormous impact on our lives. He helped the group to survive by giving appropriate orders and suggesting splendid ideas. Homer then looked at us clearly asking we are on his side. We all said that it's probably for the best that we surrender.

It's been silent for a couple of seconds. We all heard the soldiers only a couple of feet away from us. Homer then broke the silence.

"I know that it's a terrible and a weird thing to say but it's been fun guys." He sobbed. I haven't seen this side of Homer yet. Without knowing about it, I quickly hugged him. I whispered to him "Thank you".

We all started sobbing and hugging each other. After a couple of seconds, the soldiers run towards us and giving us orders. I quickly thought about seeing my parents in the showground. My life will not probably be the same as before but I will still see my family and live with them until this war is over.
The End.

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