
Thursday 30 August 2018

Tomorrow When The Wan Began - Can Do Task

RESEARCH- “Paradise of Hell” is an oxymoron. Find out why oxymorons are used for. Find five more examples of Oxymorons that are used in the ‘real world’ and give their meanings. Have a go at creating your own oxymorons.
Why we use Oxymorons? We use oxymorons so that the sentence can be more dramatic. It is also used so that the reader can stop reading and think about what it means.

Examples of Oxymorons
-Seriously funny
-Clearly confused
-Pretty Ugly
-Awfully Nice
-Walking Dead
-Awfully Good

CREATE- The teenagers have now been scavenging for resources to take back into Hell. Create a checklist of essential items you believe they should be looking for. For each item, give a reason to 
include it and a location they could likely find it. Think about food, shelter, warmth, communication.

-Food (Houses, Malls and stores)
-Water (Houses, malls, stores, clean rivers, lakes etc.)
-Clothes ( Houses, and Malls)
-Essentials (toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, soap, shampoo, etc.) (Houses and stores)
-Phones or Radio ( just in case) (Houses and Malls)
-Batteries (Houses and stores)
-Gas (Gas station and possibly houses as well)
-Lighter or Matches (Houses and stores)
-Flashlight (Houses and stores)
-If possible more survivors (Different Locations)
-More vehicles (Houses and car shops)
- Shelter (if possible in mountains)
-Medkit (Hospitals, pharmacies and some houses)
-Guns or other weapons (Gun shop or houses)
-Walkie Talkie ( If possible ) (Police stations)
-Toiletry (Houses and stores)
-Tools (Stores)

Wednesday 29 August 2018

Maintaining Water Supply

Growing NZ Innovation Challenge


In DTE me, Lindley and Thamie are put in a group to find a solution for farmers which is Maintaining Water Supply which focuses on pipes. We are supposed to find a solution on pipe leaks and breaks. We have five weeks to find and make a solution on how we can help the farmers solve their problem. We learned a lot of things about the problem.


Prezi Presentation

In the last couple of weeks of the topic Growing NZ, we made a presentation in Prezi. We presented it in front of the class, explaining and giving every single detail on what the topic is and how are we going to solve the problem or challenge. Thamie and I decided that we should do the presentation while Lindley makes the script or notes.


Why we chose Maintaining Water Supply is because that every farmer in the world has the same problems. So this problem is not just for New Zealand but it can actually have a beneficial effect on our solution. Our challenge is to create a new way for farmers to quickly identify that there is a problem and locate where it is.

Before we made a solution, we first need to choose two enablers that we can use or fix the problem. We chose Networks & Sensors and Nanotechnology. We did spend a lot of time on how are we going to make these two enablers work together so we decided to make another pipe that has a sensor that will detect the if the pipe has a leak. The farmer will be alerted that their pipes have problems.  The nanotech will then do its job to fix the leaks that the pipes have. These two enablers are compatible based on how they function.

There is a positive and a negative effect on this plan. The negative impact is that the farmers need to remove a huge amount of land and install the secondary pipes. They also need to do a map of where all the pipes are located and inserted. The positive effect on this plan is that the farmers don't need to remove a huge amount of land again and again just to find a single pipe leak.

We also have to do a prototype on how our solution would look like, so we choose to do it on Tinkercard.  

This is what our prototype looks like. The main pipe is the brown one and the sensor will go through the secondary pipe. A wire will be inserted and it will be the one that detects the pipe leaks. If a water reaches or touches the wire, it will alert the farmer that there is something wrong. The Nanotech will be installed on the sensors and it will fix the problem. We tried did have a lot of ideas on how we are going to make it and we decided in this design.



What design would your prototype look like?

Do you think that our ideas will work?

Monday 27 August 2018

Tomorrow When The War Began - Can Do Tasks

VOCABULARY - Find the meanings of the following words, write the meaning using your own words. Manoeuvre, Inconspicuous, Surreptitious, Evasion, Impenetrable, Patriotic, Reconnaissance, Inaccessible, Gaunt, Conscript

Manoeuvre- To move precisely or to move carefully.

Inconspicuous- Not clearly visible due to lack of attention

Surreptitious- Kept a secret since it will not be proved or allowed.

Evasion- Avoiding or escaping

Impenetrable- Incapable of getting through.

Patriotic- Demonstrating or showing devotion or loyalty to their hometown or country.

Reconnaissance- Dispatching a single or a group of soldiers to locate and acquire information on the enemy.

Inaccessible- Unable to access or use.

Gaunt- Exceptionally thin due to different causes like hunger or suffering.

Conscript- Forcing a civilian or an innocent person to join and help military or armed services.

WRITING - Chris fell asleep on sentry duty. Rewrite an ending to this event where the teenagers are found by the invaders. Whose point of view are you writing from? What happens? How do they react/feel?

Point of View (Narrator) - Ellie

Everyone was sleeping like a newborn child. Then suddenly out of nowhere, I heard something coming to our direction, or should I say, someone. I haven't confirmed it to myself yet because I was half asleep but I sprinted and checked Chris if he was still patrolling. I saw him sleeping like comfortably and effortlessly.

"What are you doing?" smacking him on the head.

"What was that for Ellie?" He asked with a grudge on his face.

"We told you to patrol and look out for us, you already had enough sleep" I shouted. " I heard something coming"

"What do you mean?" he asked.

I saw seven little fireflies lurking around a couple of miles away from us. I looked carefully until I noticed that those were not fireflies, their jeeps. I immediately ran to the others to tell what's going on. But it was too late. I heard Chris shouting like it was from a horror movie. It didn't take time to click to their heads that the soldiers are here.

"Oh no!" said Fi.

"We have to get out here as quickly as possible!" said Homer.

"But How?" asked Robin who was about to pass out.

"We don't have much time to run" Kevin replied. "Look at Lee he can't run in the situation that he is in".

"Just leave me behind, this is the last thing I can do to help the group to survive, I'm just a burden to you guys," said Lee.

"We are not leaving you behind" I shouted.

"We have to fight then, go get the guns!" Kevin cried. "I know we can't survive due to our numbers, but we at least yet to try. We can't lose anything now, we already lost everything"

"Drop your gun, Kevin!" said Homer. " I know that you know that we will not survive if we fight them. It will just cost our lives. Guys remember what I said when were in Corrie's house, about surrendering if we are in a situation just like this".

We all nodded. "I think it's time" he continued.

"No, they invaded our country and captured our family in the showground, we can't just do nothing". Kevin started a debate.

"Of course I know that I'm also frustrated just as you are Kevin, but we can't do anything anymore. I also know that our parents want us to survive and be safe. Homer replied calmly.

I know that this is not the right time to feel what I'm feeling right now but I felt proud on how Homer had made an enormous impact on our lives. He helped the group to survive by giving appropriate orders and suggesting splendid ideas. Homer then looked at us clearly asking we are on his side. We all said that it's probably for the best that we surrender.

It's been silent for a couple of seconds. We all heard the soldiers only a couple of feet away from us. Homer then broke the silence.

"I know that it's a terrible and a weird thing to say but it's been fun guys." He sobbed. I haven't seen this side of Homer yet. Without knowing about it, I quickly hugged him. I whispered to him "Thank you".

We all started sobbing and hugging each other. After a couple of seconds, the soldiers run towards us and giving us orders. I quickly thought about seeing my parents in the showground. My life will not probably be the same as before but I will still see my family and live with them until this war is over.
The End.

Thursday 23 August 2018

Tomorrow, When The War Began - Chapter 12

“They say teenagers can sleep all day”. Is this true? Do you agree? Does Ellie still see herself as a typical teenager?
I think it is true because some teenagers often stay awake past midnight. Especially in their condition, they didn't sleep properly so I believe that they can do that. Yes, I agree with this fact because I know some people or friends that can sleep an entire day. Ellie is not a typical teenager anymore because she already killed people and already did damage.

Ellie’s dream at the beginning of the chapter is rather nonsensical, as dreams are wont to be. Is there any meaning to it? Try and explain what Ellie’s subconscious could be thinking about: why is her dad cooking for the whole town? Why did Father Cronin ignore Ellie’s greeting? Why was Corrie 8 years old again? Why were they sailing off on a  boat? Why was Lee undressing?
I think there is meaning in Ellie's dream. I also think that he dreamed about his dad cooking for the whole town is because she misses him so much. It might also be a clue or a sign that his dad will have a huge impact on the story. It might be also that when the war is over they might have a huge celebration. The dream about Father Cronin ignoring Ellie's greeting is unusual because it's the first time that he is introduced in the story. It can be because that she killed other people so she committed a huge sin. Corrie is 8 years old again in her dream because it's like a throwback when they still play in the tree house. They were sailing off on a boat is probably another clue that they will go and ride a boat to go somewhere. Lee was undressing because Lee might also have feelings for Ellie. Or is it just because Ellie always thinks about Lee.

Why is it so terrible that Chris falls asleep while on sentry duty? How does Ellie react? Why do you think she reacts this way? How does she feel about her reaction later?
There might be soldiers patrolling the area that they were at so they could be caught if the one who is in the duty of looking after them is asleep. Ellie is frustrated about it because Chris already had enough sleep so he is the right person to be on guard. She did feel guilty about what she said to

Back in Hell, Ellie’s dreams are far more ominous. Explain why Ellie is dreaming of her fears.
Her mind is filled with terror by killing people and causing damage. All of her nightmares link to one topic which is death. I think she is still in shook after the lawn mower incident. I also think that she is afraid that one of her dreams to come true so it is basically giving her a warning.

Tuesday 21 August 2018

Exquisite Lino Art Stolen!

Exquisite Lino Art Stolen!

Who is represented in the print?  
Vince (me) is represented in the Lino art. 

Is the portrait seem from the from, 3/4 view, or the side?
The portrait is kinda like a 3/4 view and also a front view because he is resting his shoulders on the side of the wall.

What is their expression? Are They wearing jewelry, hats, or eyeglasses?
His expression is serious and he is not wearing any jewelry or other accessories. 

What is the size of the print? How much picture space does the head occupy? Does it fill the page?
The size of the print is like an A4 piece of paper. The head covers a small portion of the print and does not fill the page.

 How has the portrait been composed (open-cropped head or closed-full head)?
The Lino Art is composed as an open-cropped head.

What kind of marks do you see in certain places, for example around the eye?
The background has some kind of pattern into it in the way it has been cut. The face does not have a lot of marks, therefore, the face is dark. The right side of the print has some cuts, unlike the face.

Describe what is not evident in the print.
Light surfaces are not that evident or seen in this print. For example, the face, it does have some cuts in it but it still lacks some more cut. The lower part of the print also lacks marks.

Tomorrow When The War Began - Chapter 11

How does Ellie feel as she is waiting in the truck at the Council Depot? Where do her emotions come from?  She felt cold, fear but also excited on about what's going to happen. Above all of her emotions, fear is taking over because what she's about to do can take her life away from her, she can also take away other people's lives like the soldiers. She also felt fear because she does not want to lose her friends especially in times like this when you need them.

Why are the girls smiling when in danger? Is this a logical response?
It's basically the only way that they can feel or do because the situation that they are in is scary but their adrenaline or they are in the zone so all that they can do is laugh.

What does wearing a helmet and buckling up mean to the girls?
It means that they need to be careful about what is going on. The soldiers are firing at them so wearing a helmet can't really deflect the bullet but it can lessen the damage. Ellie said to buckle up because her head is bleeding, she also said that she couldn't see properly so if something bad or an accident happens, they are safe because they have their seatbelts on.

What does Chris’s story say about the town?
The way he explains it is like he is still shocked on about what's going on. He also explained it in every detail on what happened while Ellie and the others are gone. He is shocked because the war happened so fast. They were celebrating Commemoration Day which suppose to be a joyful day turns into a depression in a blink of an eye.

What impact does the BMW have on the story? Does Chris seem lonely? Explain your answer?
The BMW made a huge impact on the story by different sorts of things. For example, it helps them escape the soldiers by changing their vehicle. It also helps to introduce Chris to the story. Everybody suggested throwing the BMW straight to the dam so there is no evidence left out that they have been in that place. When they threw the BWM away, Chris showed up because of the noise he heard.

No, Chris is not lonely because he is probably thought that maybe other people just like him survived and just lurking and hiding everywhere. Yes, he is lonely for this past couple of days but he is not lonely.

What is Homer’s explanation for the need to swap cars at Chris Lang’s place? What does this show about the way he is thinking?
Homer is putting himself in the invader's shoes. He is thinking and imagining if he is with the invaders, what will they do or see to find out where other survivors can be hiding or heading which then causes him to make plans and strategies. When the invasion began, Homer started to act mature and make this kind of plans that benefit the group.

What are your thoughts on the story so far...
I'm interested in what's about to happen in the next chapters. I want to know if they can survive this war. I also want to know if their small group change and turn into a small army that can fight back.

Tomorrow When The War Began - Chapter 10

Why does Homer insist on going on with the plan after Corrie’s house blows up? How does he convince Corrie that this is a good idea?
They need to save or even find out what happened to Robyn and Lee. Corrie is curious and caring about her friends and she doesn't want anyone to be left behind. Even taking such a risk that could take their lives. He also said that they need to find them so that they can have a good number in their group so if the time comes when they need to fight, they can fight back with 7 people in their groups instead of 5. Homer also convinced Corrie by saying how it can benefit the group and how it could impact these future situations.

Describe the strategy Homer and Ellie use to ensure their safety when riding their bikes into town. What does this show about how they are starting to think?
They hold their hands showing that even in times of war they can show that they are still "friends". They also played games so that they can pass time. While there on there way to Robyn's can be better by taking caution or observing the area. They did that when their close to their destination but not when they are still miles away from them.

Why do you think Mr. Clement is reluctant to help Lee and Robyn? How would you react in his position?
He is scared and worried about himself. He just stayed there until Lee and Robyn noticed him. He might possibly be thinking that Lee and Robyn are working for the soldiers because in that time almost everybody in the town is captured. He did give them valuable information about the soldiers because he was so paranoid and scared about what's going on. 

I think I will react calmly because if they were soldiers they would probably have guns. So when I see them I would talk carefully and give them valuable information and tell them about what's going on.

How has Homer changed in Ellie’s eyes since the invasion?
According to Ellie, Homer change in an instant. She described Homer as an arrogant and a troublemaker, but when the war happened he transformed into a clever and more mature man which makes Ellie have second thoughts on Homer. She might also have feelings for him. 
What are the 2 different types of soldiers and how do they each treat the inhabitants of Wirrawee?
Mr. Clement told Robyn and Lee that there are two types of soldiers, professionals, and conscripts. Professionals are the ones who are trained and are used to this sort of situations. They were more careful and they basically know what to do. Conscripts are the ones who are not properly trained and can be just a volunteer. They joined the invasion so that it seems that they have a big number of soldiers that are professionals.

Why do you think Robyn had the strength to carry Lee?
She is worried about Lee so Robyn had adrenaline to carry Lee and put him in a safe spot. So Robyn got her strength from fear of losing one of her friends.

How have the group decided to rescue Lee, whose idea was this and why do they think it will work.
They started throwing ideas on how they can save Lee. Ellie suggested carrying Lee with the shovel of the bulldozer. She said it that it seems like a joke but the rest of them said that it could work.
What do you think happened to people who ‘tried to be heroes?’
I think that they were probably just doing what they were asked to do. There might be some professionals with them so they have a high chance of survival, but when they were the only ones left, they only have a low chance that they can succeed. 

Monday 13 August 2018

Tomorrow When The War Began - Chapter 9

Why, in Ellie’s opinion, is Cobbler’s Bay and Wirrawee so important to the invaders?
It's probably one of their tactics. Just like Ellie said, Wirrawee is a good starting point to attack because they don't have the right equipment to attack back. She also said that they were just using Wirrawee to see or have a view on the rest of the city of Australia. So basically they were looking for an opening or an opportunity to attack other cities or towns. They also chose Cobbler's Bay to land because it is not that visible in some areas so it's a perfect land off to the invaders.

Corrie and Ellie reminisce about how innocent they were in high school and even a few days ago. Why were they still innocent then? Why are they no longer innocent?
They did not assume that invasions and wars will happen to their country. So they live their lives full of happiness and good memories. They used to believe in different fantasies and have a normal life until the war or the invasion began. They already felt the atmosphere when there is war. They weren't innocent anymore because experiencing war is not normal. It's a hard time to live a normal life again. They also don't know if they were going to survive it. Ellie has already killed people, who would be a normal person in a short period of time when you already killed people.

Why does Homer think splitting up is a good idea?
Splitting into two different groups is a good idea because just like Homer said before, getting caught into small groups is better to be caught in a large group. He said that he and Ellie should go and take a look at what happened to Robyn and Lee. And the others go back to "hell" and wait for them. From my own perspective, it is a good idea because no one should be abandoned in times like this. Taking risks like this can be dangerous but having more people in the group can have benefits on surviving.

Why do you think the author added the few lines about an Australian jet flying overhead.
The author added this so that it could have more information or detail that war is happening. War is not a war if the invaded country doesn't do anything. Probably the other cities figured out that Wirrawee is in a state of war so the government decided to have a look around on what's going on. The lines did really have a tremendous and a dramatic impact on the story because we can imagine how intense the story is.

By blowing up Corrie’s house, what does the invading force demonstrate to the teenagers?
They showed that they can do anything, even harm anyone, who does not obey them. They also showed that they have the power to destroy cities with ease. The soldiers also demonstrated that they have the experience to notice if there are people in a house even if they are hidden. That's why they decided to blow up Corrie's house.

Why do you think Corrie reacted the way she did?

Who wouldn't feel the same way as she did? Our homes are full of rich memories that represent us. And to be destroyed just like that is like taking away our memories of our lives. Corrie is depressed on what happened on what happened to her family's house.

Sunday 12 August 2018

Tomorrow When The War Began - Chapter Eight

How does Ellie feel after the lawn mower incident? She felt horrendous and guilty about herself because she doesn’t want to kill those people. She said that her life will not be normal again because of what casualty and damage she caused. She killed those people that probably do not want to be in that situation or does not want invade their country

How does she think the others will react to her story when she tells it? I think that some of them will be angry with Ellie because she killed those people. I also think some of them will feel horrified and worried because if they put themselves in that situation they will possibly think the same way as Ellie is thinking, full of guilt. Some also may feel proud on what she did, Ellie made a quick decision even if she will do harm to others because if they put themselves in Ellie’ shoes they might do the same because their priority is themselves and their loved ones.

How do they actually react? Why? They feel astonished by what happened. They didn’t want to hurt anybody but they already did. Homer encouraged Ellie that she doesn’t need to be worried and guilty because what she did is right on that situation of being invaded.

Homer says, “This is war now, normal rules don’t apply...They’re the ones who tore up the rule book, not us”” What does this say about his character? What do you think of the validity of his opinions? I think that he is furious and he is full of rage. What he said is absolutely right because their country is invaded probably by a different country which means it could be war. When he said that normal rules don’t apply anymore and their the ones who broke the rulebook is also true because their the ones who started the war and they imprisoned their parent’s and other innocent people, but violence is not always the answer, if possible they could take one soldier as hostage and ask questions about why are they being invaded. If they don’t answer they could turn and be violent.

Fi talks about the ‘shadows’, during their reconnaissance. What are these shadows and what are the implications due to their existence? Fi said that from what she saw they were not soldiers on how they act. If they were soldiers they would be caught because they shouted at them, instead, they ran like coward dogs.

What pieces of evidence from the book inform the reader that this invasion wasn’t entirely peaceful? Find at least 3 examples.

- Destroyed Towns

-Foreign soldiers patrolling with guns

-Blood everywhere

Friday 10 August 2018

Migration - Social Studies

In Social Studies we have been studying Migration and the causes of it. We are tasked to do an animation for the causes of Migration and the different types of it. We also need to research on what Push & Push factor means.

Thursday 9 August 2018

Tomorrow When The War Began - Can Do Task - Part 2

Vocabulary- Find the meanings of the following words, write the meaning using our own words. Underestimate, Itinerary, Improvise, Motivate, Conspicuous Feeble, Delirious, Sentry, Agonise and Famine.

Underestimate- To judge or to assume someone that they are weak and incapable of doing work or doing something. 

Itinerary- A constructed or organized journey or adventure. 

Improvise- To produce or perform something with objects that you can use around you. 

Motivate- To improve someone's emotions or to inspire someone.

Conspicuous- To be able to see clearly. To be visible or easily noticed.

Feeble-  Physically fragile or weak in different types of issues like age or diseases.

Delirious- Distressed or afflicted mind caused by illness or stress. It can also mean thrilled or ecstatic mind caused by happiness.

Sentry- A soldier appointed or assigned to guard or observe a certain area or place for unauthorized personnel or outsiders.  

Agonise- To be currently or undergo from suffering or torment.

Famine- Scarcity or lack of food in a large area like a city or a country.

WRITING - During the lawnmower incident, we encounter foreign sentries. Write a diary entry from the point of view of one of the invading soldiers. Consider what they might see, do and feel during a day in occupied Wirrawee.

We successfully invaded the town and imprisoned the people living in it. There are probably still some people lurking around like the ones that the soldier in the other side of the showground said. Honestly, I didn’t want to invade this country and make the people live in it feel like they are in hell. We couldn’t do anything or rebel against our leader’s actions because we are just doing our job.

I already planned to leave my job but on my second thought, I can’t support my family if I leave my job. Today I saw teenagers running I planned to chase them but they were to fast. I think they were looking and figuring out what’s going on. I also heard a loud explosion on the left side of the showground. We decided to look and figure out what happened. What we saw was shocking and terrifying, we saw soldiers covered in blood and a broken lawnmower. I did not expect this to happen, honestly, I was terrified that it might also happen to me.

It might be late to say this but I wanted to hesitate or rebel against our plan of invading. If a civilian or a person found this, I’m terribly sorry for what I and my country have done to yours. I take full responsibility for all of my actions and the other soldier’s actions and doings. I hope that one day our country can unite and form a strong bond. I also hope that one day this mess could be fixed. Again if someone finds this journal I'm terribly sorry.

Wednesday 8 August 2018

Tomorrow When The War Began - Chapter Seven ( Group Work )

Jhade, Gian, and Vince

Is the decision to split into smaller groups a wise one? Give reasons.
I think it is a good idea because just like Homer said, it’s better if they will be caught in small numbers instead everybody gets caught.

 Predict what you think has happened to Lee and Robyn?
We think that Lee and Robyn got lost on their way to their meeting point because they went into their houses.

How is Ellie’s image of Kevin changing in this chapter?

Ellie’s perspective on Kevin changed because she noticed that Kevin can actually be helpful and cooperative. He can also give good ideas that will have a positive effect.

Tomorrow When The War Began - Chapter Five & Six

Chapter Five:

What does Corrie’s choice in career say about her character?
Corrie enjoys traveling around the world. It seems to me that she is caring and very helpful. She said she has a passion to be a nurse so that she can help not just her country but other countries of the world. She is devoted to everything including his passion to be a nurse and traveling which makes her an eloquent character.

The group’s ability to avoid arguing with each other is rare- do you think that there would have been more drama if you and your friends went bush for a week?
I think that there will be no problem with us if we go bush for a week. My friends and I are mature enough to keep our feelings and thoughts to ourselves, after all, we are boys. My friends don't usually have dramas with each other but we do have some misunderstandings, we do tease each other sometimes but we already know that we don't mean what we said. I do think that there will be some problems but if we just talk it through we will be fine.

Why do you think Ellie and Lee feel uneasy just before their return to Wirrawee from the Bush?
They started worrying about what's going on when they saw those planes. Their curiousness made them feel anxious. They feel something is going without them knowing about it. They are also curious about their loved ones.

What do you predict will await the group back home, why do you think this?
I think that the atmosphere of the place that they will live in will be different. There will be chaos, war, destroyed towns and a lot of casualties.

Chapter Six:

What is the first sign that something is wrong with Ellie’s house?
Their family's dogs are dead, which is odd because their parents usually don't leave their dogs in that situation.
Who is the first person to really realize what is happening?
I think that Lee is the first one to realize what's going on and what situation their country is in. Lee already said to them that they were probably being invaded while they were going bush. When they got back, Lee said something to Robyn, Robyn's face changed.  Ellie did not bother to ask him because she already saw Robyn's facial expression, she tried to handle his emotions under control so she just stayed quiet. Lee also had an excellent idea to test if the radio is still working. In that kind of situations, listening to the radio will help you to know what's happening to the country you live in and more information and answers.

What is Ellie’s reaction to this person’s caution? Why do you think she reacts this way?
Ellie responded to Lee by saying to him that he should stop having negative thoughts. Ellie does not agree with Lee because she doesn't want to think the same way as him.

 How is the pace in this chapter different from the chapters before?
The mood and the atmosphere change dramatically. The way Ellie narrated the story also changed. She became more serious about what's going on in that situation. In the past chapters of the story, it seems that the setting and the mood is still cheerful, but when they got home it changes to being cheerful to being miserable. The way when they excited when they were traveling and depressed when they got home. 

If you were in this situation, would you test the radio or not? Give reasons for your thinking
Testing the radio won't lose anything and it will help you to have more information and more answers. It might not work but testing it would be a marvelous idea. In this times of issue listening to the radio or having one will really help you in these kinds of situations like war or other issues. The government will really help you how or what you are supposed to do. 

Do you think the way the teenagers reacted to the realization that Australia may have been invaded or at war was realistic? Why/why not?
The way that the teenagers reacted to the situation is not that realistic. There are different kinds of examples like how the invaders attacked Australia. If I were the one who led the invation. I would not just focus on one city or town, I would invade two or more cities so that the reinforcements of the country you attacked will not get their country back easily. Another example is how they reacted, If we're in that situation it would take me days or more than a week to control my emotions and realize that I need to do something.

What possible reasons exist that could spark war or invasion of Australia?
The reason could be because of the government, presumably, your country's government and the invader's government could have a misunderstanding. It could also probably because of their past or history. The two countries might have a bad history with each other.

Monday 6 August 2018

Tomorrow When The War Began - Can Do Tasks

ART - The teenagers have now arrived in Hell. Draw an artwork that shows either Tailors Stitch, Satan's Steps of Hell itself. Use the descriptions in the book to assist you.

VOCABULARY - Find the meanings of the following words, write the meaning using your own words. Chronological, Authority, Alternatives, Gratification, Obstinate, Hoist, Unsympathetic, Scrutinising, Commemoration, Hysterically, Concealed

Chronological- Chronological means the arranged period of time. It is commonly used in stories to show what happened at the beginning and the end.
Authority- To have a capability to order the ones who are lower than them like the government to its people.
Alternatives- To have a secondary or other plan, options or things.
Gratification- Gratification means be praised or to praise on something that you've or other's have done.
Obstinate- Stubborn, not willing to contribute or participate with others, being off-task, to oppose or to refuse on other people's ideas.
Hoist- To be raised or lifted up.
Unsympathetic- Unsympathetic means not having pity or forgiveness to someone or something. Scrutinising- To examine something in detail and structure comprehensively
Commemoration- A celebration of an important event or occasion for a person or an important date that had a huge impact on the history.
Hysterically-To react or respond with uncontrollable emotions.
Concealed- To hide; to keep a secret or protected

CREATE- You have now encountered 7 of the 8 main characters. Create a relationship web that shows the relationships between each of the characters. Include next to each person a brief description of who they are.