
Tuesday 11 September 2018

Tomorrow When The War Began - Chapter 19 & 20

Chapter 19
  1. What makes Ellie think the soldiers walking past them are professionals? Because of how they reacted when they notice something or someone rattling around the bushes. They quickly made a move and throw themselves into it. They did not even hesitate and made a decision.
  2. What do the soldiers fire at in the bushes? They mistakenly thought that someone is in the bushes but it was only a rabbit.
  3. What are some clues that the group is starting to think ‘more like soldiers’? They already started acting like soldiers when the invasion started. The group started having these ideas that only a military personnel or a soldier and putting them into action. They also became more alerted and they move and act like one.
  4. Do you think Homer’s plan will work? What problems do you think they might encounter? I think that it will work if they move independently and swiftly. It will also work if all their equipment is gathered and there are no problems. Also, Lee still can't walk properly caused by the wound on his leg. He also can't fight back because of his condition. The cattle also can be a problem because they can go in a different direction. Driving the fuel tanker also is a problem because if Ellie gets caught, it will cause her life and the plan will not work.
  5. What does Homer suggest they do when the group goes up to the Heron? Homer decided to blow up the bridge. They each have plans and roles to do. Ellie is the driver of the fuel tanker, Fi will go with Ellie and signal her if the place is clear. Homer is the one who will handle the cattle.
  6. What are his strategies to put his plan into action? The cows are supposed to be a distraction for the soldiers. Homer imagined that the soldiers will be distracted by the running cows and when they do get distracted, that's the time that they will put the fuel tanker under the bridge and blow it up.

Chapter 20 

  1. Why is Ellie nervous about being paired with Fi? It's because that she hasn't paired with Fi yet. She also said that she is still kinda hesitant. I think that Ellie is having a doubt about Fi doing the job.
  2. What is true courage according to Ellie? According to Ellie, she said that courage is still doing the job even if you are afraid and you think that you can't do it.
  3. Were her concerns about Fi realized? Explain. Ellie's concerns about Fi was not realized because she did the job with high confidence.
  4. What is a clue that Fi’s relationship with Homer is becoming serious? Their relationship improved because when they were talking, Fi whispered "I love you" to Homer which Homer responded, " I love you too Fi ". This indicates that their relationship improved lot because they have the guts to say that to each other.
  5. What problems do Fi and Ellie encounter on their mission to bring the tanker to the appropriate place under the bridge? How do they deal with these problems? The first problem that they encountered was the patrol. They need to get out of the tanker and hide somewhere so they can not be seen and captured - even killed. The second one was the brakes, the alarm of the brakes causes them to take more time to drive the tanker.

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