
Monday 3 September 2018

Tomorrow When The War Began - Chapter 15 & 16

Chapter 15

What do Ellie and Lee find in the Hermit’s hut that the others don’t know about? They found a medal and some documents about the tragedy that occurred about the Hermit. They also found letters and newspapers about the same tragedy.

According to the coroner’s report, what are the two possible ways the Hermit’s family died...
1) That the Hermit - which is Bertram Hubert Sexton Christie - killed his wife - Imogen Mary Christie - and his child - Alfred Bertram Christie- with a rifle then burned them afterwards.

2) That the Hermit could possibly saw his wife and child burning -fact that bushfires constantly happens on that place- and thought that the hospital is far away on that area and they could not support his family financially if he took them to the hospital. He ended there suffering by shooting them in the head.

I don't know which one is the right one because given the lack of evidence about the tragedy. There can be a lot of possible ways on how the Hermit's family died. Yes, he is still a criminal because he still used a weapon to end someone's life, but if the second possible theory is the right one, it is not appropriate to call him a murderer.

Which do you believe? Why? In my own opinion, I think that the second theory is the most possible and more appropriate one because he is a soldier and he was praised and given a medal for his bravery. He already saves someone's life so it wouldn't make sense if he will kill his own family and save his ally's life. But there is one other thing that opposes what I believe in. It is that why did he hide in a deserted area. Is it more appropriate to say to the police that he did it for a good cause? Is it because of guilt? Or did he already planned to kill them?

He also might be framed for doing it. There might be someone else that killed his family and he is being accused that he did it.

Chapter 16

What is the Hermit’s mother in law’s attitude toward him as seen in her letter? The Hermit's mother in law defends and trust him that he is innocent. She said that he is always welcome under her roof and she will always protect and stand by his side.

The way that she wrote the letter is kinda strange because the way that she reacted to it is calm.

What does this suggest about the way in which the Hermit’s family actually died? I think that they framed him from doing the tragedy. Someone else might have done it at it was blamed all on him because he is the biggest possible person to do it.

What makes Ellie change her mind about Lee on the way back from the Hermit’s hut? She was annoyed about Lee forcing her to feel the same as what he is feeling towards Ellie. If it is a scoreboard between Lee and Homer, Lee is leading in a huge margin of points. It also shows that Ellie is more comfortable doing stuff like this with Lee instead of Homer.

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