
Friday 14 September 2018

Tomorrow When The War Began - Chapter 21

  1. What is it that primarily attracts Fi to Homer? Homer changed dramatically within these past chapters. He acted more manly and he also acted as a leader. I also think she became attracted to Homer because of how he changed.
  2. What are Fi’s intentions regarding Homer? According to Fi, she wanted to learn how to plant crops so she can help Homer when they are married. It shows how determined Fi is that she and Homer will last for a long time. It shows that Fi is already planning her future with Homer.
  3. Why does this surprise, Ellie? Ellie is surprised because she didn't expect Fi will have a relationship with Homer. She was also surprised because on how Fi is looking forward to her future with him. She can't picture Fi and Homer living together under the same roof because of their differences between each other, that's why she is so surprised.
  4. How do Ellie and Fi feel as they are leaving the scene on their motorbikes? Are these real feelings? Ellie felt nothing like she was already dead. Ellie said that she can't feel anything because of the situation, she didn't know if she already got shot like she was already unconscious. Until Fi shouted to her, she gained back her consciousness. They felt really happy and proud of themselves that they made it out safe and alive.
  5. Why do you think the group decided to blow up the bridge? So that the soldiers can't go through their camp or base. They decided to blow the bridge up so the invaders can't capture them. If they blew it up, it will lessen the chance of them being captured.
  6. How is this exploit different from the other exploits the group has been on? The part when Fi and Ellie being exploited or seen is the most dangerous one. If the soldiers got lucky they've been two cold bodies right now. Luckily for them, the soldiers don't have the aim to shoot them because of the cattles.

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