
Thursday 27 September 2018

Drypoint Print Making

1, What kind of printmaking is drypoint?

a.Relief (Woodblock and Linoblock)
b.Stencil (Silkscreen)

2. How is the drypoint line created?
The drypoint is created by using a plexiglass and a sharp tool that can mark or engrave into the material.

3. What kind of line does it produce? Are they all the same?
It depends on how thick the sharp tool that you're using and how hard you push.

4. How do you hold the needle?
It depends on you on how you hold the needle but it's just like using a normal pen or a pencil.

5. What does the angle of the needle determine?
It determines how or what the outcome of the line that will be intact on the material.

6.The greater the pressure the deeper the                  ?
Lines and the mark will be, it will be also darker if you put ink on it.

7. Will all marks on the surface of the plexiglass print?
It depends on how hard you push because if the mark didn't actually take off material it will not print or be seen clearly.

8. How do you create different tones (gradations of light and dark?)
You create tones by using the paint. You can leave some ink on the side of your work and it will act like it has tone.

9. What do we wipe the ink off the plate with?
We used cooking oil so that we can take off the paint off the marks. We also use a rug or a tissue to wipe it.

10. What do we use to put ink onto the plate?
A piece of hard paper or a cardboard. We also used a rug and a mesh cloth.

11. What pressure do we use when applying the ink?
A right amount of pressure is needed so that the paint can go through the marks that you made, you need it to be right because if you put too much pressure it will be filled with ink but if you don't apply that much pressure the marks will not be seen clearly or visibly.

12. Compare and Contrast the two different kinds of printmaking: lino-block printmaking or drypoint, Which do you prefer? Why? I think that the drypoint is way easier to do because the lino art's material is harder than the drypoint's material.

Tuesday 18 September 2018


Types of Volcanoes

1.) Cinder Cone Volcanoes-
Image result for cinder cone volcanoes

2.)Composite Volcanoes-
Image result for composite volcanoes

3.) Shield Volcanoes-
Image result for shield volcanoes

4.)Lava Domes-
Image result for Lava domes

Top 10 most active volcanoes in the world?
1.)Mount Kilauea (Hawaii)
Image result for kilauea volcano
2.)Mount Pinatubo (Philippines)
Image result for mount pinatubo
3.)Mount Sinabung (Indonesia)
Image result for mount sinabung
4.)Mount Agung (Indonesia)
Image result for mount agung
5.)Mount Voui (Vanuatu)
Image result for mount voui
6.)Mount Grímsvötn (Iceland)
Image result for mount Grímsvötn
7.)Mount Cleveland (Alaska)
Image result for mount Cleveland
8.)Mount Etna (Italy)
Image result for mount Etna
9.)Mount Piton De La Fournaise (Réunion Island)
Image result for mount Piton de la Fournaise
10.)Mount Stromboli (Italy)
Image result for mount stromboli
What are the 5 biggest ever eruptions?
1.)Yellowstone (640,000 years ago)
Image result for yellowstone volcano
2.)Huaynaputina (1600)
Image result for huaynaputina volcano
3.)Krakatoa (1883)
Image result for krakatoa volcano
4.)Santa Maria Volcano (1902)
Image result for sta maria volcano
5.)Novarupta (1912)
Image result for novarupta volcano

What supervolcanoes could erupt in the future?
1.) Kilauea, US

2.)Villarrica, Chile

3.)Popocatepetl, Mexico

4.)Merapi, Indonesia

5.)Kirishima, Japan

What happens during an eruption? 
When the magma chamber fills up completely, it could explode or eject lava. When magma reaches the land, it is then called a lava.  It could also eject smoke or ash which can affect the atmosphere. It could also affect the people who are living close to the volcano. For example, the Pompeii Volcano exploded and ejected, the ash fall got into the village so fast that the people living in there just turned into stones.

It could also have different effects in different places such as earthquakes, tsunamis, climatic effects, famine and diseases, and more. These different casualties could possibly occur when a volcano erupted. Just like when Mt Pinatubo erupted, New Zealand had a snow about knee high so it could also affect different countries.

Building a Volcano

-Ice cream container lid/ carton
-Plastic Bottle
-Flour Water

Aim: To create an exploding volcano

-Put the bottle in the middle of the ice cream lid or the carton.
-Stick the bottle with sellotape.
-Put scrap paper around it to create the shape of the volcano then stick it in place with the sellotape.
-Put the paper into a mix of flour and water to create a paper mache then stick it to the scrap paper.
-Surround the paper mache with plaster so it can harden.
-Paint the volcano.
-Put the chemicals that can make a volcano explode.

It didn't really work than we thought it would but it still exploded.