
Monday 30 July 2018

Tomorrow When The War Began - Chapter Three

  1. Why does Robyn think they are the only people ever to have gone into Hell? Because some people have not even found the way that they where going. If there is already someone that got in the same place is they did there will be some tracks or litter around or signs that people already got there like campfires
  2. Why do you think the valley is called Hell? It is called Hell because only a few people or even no one has made into that place. It might also call hell because of the Hermit and his story. It might also called hell because it’s dangerous.
  3. Why must the teenagers seem like visitors from hell to the wild things living in the clearing? How is this ironic? They think that they are from hell because they have not seen any people in a very long time. The wild things that are in there probably didn't know that the people who made it that far thinks that they are the ones from hell. I think it’s ironic because they really not from hell and the creatures are in hell.
  4. What picture of Kevin do we get in this chapter? I think that Kevin is childish or annoying because the things he does is childish. It seems Ellie is annoyed by Kevin because the way he describes him as arrogant and annoying, completely opposite of how Corrie described him.
  5. What does Ellie liken Fi to? Do you think this is a fair assessment of her character. Use examples from the text to support your thinking. Ellie described Fi as an exotic butterfly. I think it is a fair assessment because Fi does not come out to much and probably doesn’t know everything that everybody knows. Ellie did describe her as a role model in Chapter 2. She describes her as a perfect person that she can look up to, but she is like a newborn child because she does not know some things that probably the whole world knows.
  6. At times Ellie switches her narration from retelling the story oto commenting about her life in the present - why do you think the author has chosen to write in this style? I think the style of her narration is wonderful because she did not focus on either the past or the present. The story became interesting because of how the story is structured and narrated. I think the author did it this way so that we could have both information about the past and the present.

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