
Tuesday 24 July 2018

Learning Journal - Health

Today I learned about the four types of Hauora, physical, social, mental/emotional and spiritual. We also learned how it means and the translation of it in Maori.

My Physical wellbeing is in a good shape because I do sports, I exercise and I think what I eat.

The things that I do well to look after my taha tinana are exercising, well-balanced meal, sports, I do my daily routine (taking a bat, brushing my teeth etc) and I don't take medicines which means I don't always get sick.

The things that I could do better for my physical wellbeing are to exercise daily, eat more healthy food and be passionate or be active in sports more.

This dimension is one of the 4 dimensions that I do need to work on is social well-being because I don't usually talk or socialize with my friends or family all the time.
Image result for physical well being clipartImage result for physical wellbeing clipart

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