
Tuesday 31 July 2018

Tomorrow When The War Began - Chapter Four

  1. Do you think the way they handled the snake incident was appropriate? What could they have done differently? What could they have done differently? I think it is appropriate how they handle it because it can work if they handled the situation correctly. I could also say no because of the aftermath of their plan. Their plan turned out to be a disaster when the snake came out and all they do is run. I also think that Kevin's idea is actually not bad because safety is more important than objects.

  2. Ellie claims that ‘Hell’ is only a label and that people label things all the time, often ignoring or overlooking certain labeled places or things. She then comes to the conclusion that ‘Hell was people’. Is she right? What’s your opinion, on labeling and Hell? I think people who tried to go to "hell" metaphorically just named the place "hell" because of how dangerous the place is. She is also right when how people label things on their angle or point of view. Just like Ellie said views from breathtaking which does not make sense of how the place is called hello. When she said that 'Hell was people' it is a yes and no because what people do to have a negative effect on the world but not all people does bad stuff.

  3. What was especially peculiar about the planes that flew over Hell? ‘Their ------, their ------, their----- frightened me.’ Do these characteristics have any significance? The time and way they flew are odd and unusual because it's three or four o'clock in the morning. It is also unnatural that a dozen aircraft flew in an odd period of time. It will be a perfect time to invade because everybody is probably is still asleep. Lee also said that it will also be a perfect time to invade because everybody celebrates Commemoration Day when the country is unaware that they are under attack.

  4. Corrie and Kevin are the only couples in the group, but the trip was bound to bring friends closer. So why does Homer’s interest in Fi seem so odd to Ellie? Ellie describes Homer as a naughty, irritating and a troublesome person so it's unusual to a person like Homer to ask a question about a girl. Homer also said to people that he doesn't have any feelings so it's strange that Homer asked Ellie about Fi. There is no information given by I think Ellie is jealous that Homer has feelings for Fi. It is still a question but on how Ellie described Fi it feels like she is being sarcastic or feeling jealous of Fi because of all people she is the one that got Homer's attention. Ellie might also have feelings for Homer but again it's just a hypothesis.

  5. Fi brushes off the planes coming back from Commemoration Day. Why do you think the planes were flying over Wirrawee? Wirrawee is currently celebrating an event so possibly there are places where people are crowded or people is bunched up together. If the planes are for invading it would be perfect and target for invaders.

  6. Robyn claims there were dozens and dozens of planes flying over them. What is Lee’s response? Is his suggestion reasonable? Lee said that they were probably being invaded without them knowing about it. He also said it could potentially be the start of World War III. It could be possible because everybody is focused on the current event. The government could be busy as well so a war can happen at any time during the occasion. Kevin also said that the Navy and the army is parading which is appropriately the best time to invade a country.

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