
Tuesday 31 July 2018

Spiritual Well Being - Health

What do you think spiritual wellbeing was before you started this?
I thought Spiritual Wellbeing is all about religion and beliefs that’s when I learned that Spiritual Wellbeing is also about goals,traditions and values.

What is Spiritual Wellbeing is all about?
Spiritual Welbeing is all about your values, traditions, goals, beliefs and religion.

Why does everyone have differing spiritual wellbeing?
There are lot of differences about spiritual wellbeing. Like there are different religion and you have different beliefs. You might also have different values like it’s okay to have a relationship in your age but some people might not.

What area of spiritual well being that you need to improve on and why? I think I need to improve my goals and dreams so that I will have a clear vision on what I want to be in the future. I need to have meet my own expectations and goals do that I can have a better future.

What are your dreams?
My dream is to finish school and get a quality job so I can support myself and my family.

What is a goal you have about education/life ? 
My goal for education is to have an academic award.

What are 3 traditions that you have?
-Holy Week

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