
Tuesday 31 July 2018

Tomorrow When The War Began - Chapter Four

  1. Do you think the way they handled the snake incident was appropriate? What could they have done differently? What could they have done differently? I think it is appropriate how they handle it because it can work if they handled the situation correctly. I could also say no because of the aftermath of their plan. Their plan turned out to be a disaster when the snake came out and all they do is run. I also think that Kevin's idea is actually not bad because safety is more important than objects.

  2. Ellie claims that ‘Hell’ is only a label and that people label things all the time, often ignoring or overlooking certain labeled places or things. She then comes to the conclusion that ‘Hell was people’. Is she right? What’s your opinion, on labeling and Hell? I think people who tried to go to "hell" metaphorically just named the place "hell" because of how dangerous the place is. She is also right when how people label things on their angle or point of view. Just like Ellie said views from breathtaking which does not make sense of how the place is called hello. When she said that 'Hell was people' it is a yes and no because what people do to have a negative effect on the world but not all people does bad stuff.

  3. What was especially peculiar about the planes that flew over Hell? ‘Their ------, their ------, their----- frightened me.’ Do these characteristics have any significance? The time and way they flew are odd and unusual because it's three or four o'clock in the morning. It is also unnatural that a dozen aircraft flew in an odd period of time. It will be a perfect time to invade because everybody is probably is still asleep. Lee also said that it will also be a perfect time to invade because everybody celebrates Commemoration Day when the country is unaware that they are under attack.

  4. Corrie and Kevin are the only couples in the group, but the trip was bound to bring friends closer. So why does Homer’s interest in Fi seem so odd to Ellie? Ellie describes Homer as a naughty, irritating and a troublesome person so it's unusual to a person like Homer to ask a question about a girl. Homer also said to people that he doesn't have any feelings so it's strange that Homer asked Ellie about Fi. There is no information given by I think Ellie is jealous that Homer has feelings for Fi. It is still a question but on how Ellie described Fi it feels like she is being sarcastic or feeling jealous of Fi because of all people she is the one that got Homer's attention. Ellie might also have feelings for Homer but again it's just a hypothesis.

  5. Fi brushes off the planes coming back from Commemoration Day. Why do you think the planes were flying over Wirrawee? Wirrawee is currently celebrating an event so possibly there are places where people are crowded or people is bunched up together. If the planes are for invading it would be perfect and target for invaders.

  6. Robyn claims there were dozens and dozens of planes flying over them. What is Lee’s response? Is his suggestion reasonable? Lee said that they were probably being invaded without them knowing about it. He also said it could potentially be the start of World War III. It could be possible because everybody is focused on the current event. The government could be busy as well so a war can happen at any time during the occasion. Kevin also said that the Navy and the army is parading which is appropriately the best time to invade a country.

Spiritual Well Being - Health

What do you think spiritual wellbeing was before you started this?
I thought Spiritual Wellbeing is all about religion and beliefs that’s when I learned that Spiritual Wellbeing is also about goals,traditions and values.

What is Spiritual Wellbeing is all about?
Spiritual Welbeing is all about your values, traditions, goals, beliefs and religion.

Why does everyone have differing spiritual wellbeing?
There are lot of differences about spiritual wellbeing. Like there are different religion and you have different beliefs. You might also have different values like it’s okay to have a relationship in your age but some people might not.

What area of spiritual well being that you need to improve on and why? I think I need to improve my goals and dreams so that I will have a clear vision on what I want to be in the future. I need to have meet my own expectations and goals do that I can have a better future.

What are your dreams?
My dream is to finish school and get a quality job so I can support myself and my family.

What is a goal you have about education/life ? 
My goal for education is to have an academic award.

What are 3 traditions that you have?
-Holy Week

Monday 30 July 2018

Tomorrow When The War Began - Chapter Three

  1. Why does Robyn think they are the only people ever to have gone into Hell? Because some people have not even found the way that they where going. If there is already someone that got in the same place is they did there will be some tracks or litter around or signs that people already got there like campfires
  2. Why do you think the valley is called Hell? It is called Hell because only a few people or even no one has made into that place. It might also call hell because of the Hermit and his story. It might also called hell because it’s dangerous.
  3. Why must the teenagers seem like visitors from hell to the wild things living in the clearing? How is this ironic? They think that they are from hell because they have not seen any people in a very long time. The wild things that are in there probably didn't know that the people who made it that far thinks that they are the ones from hell. I think it’s ironic because they really not from hell and the creatures are in hell.
  4. What picture of Kevin do we get in this chapter? I think that Kevin is childish or annoying because the things he does is childish. It seems Ellie is annoyed by Kevin because the way he describes him as arrogant and annoying, completely opposite of how Corrie described him.
  5. What does Ellie liken Fi to? Do you think this is a fair assessment of her character. Use examples from the text to support your thinking. Ellie described Fi as an exotic butterfly. I think it is a fair assessment because Fi does not come out to much and probably doesn’t know everything that everybody knows. Ellie did describe her as a role model in Chapter 2. She describes her as a perfect person that she can look up to, but she is like a newborn child because she does not know some things that probably the whole world knows.
  6. At times Ellie switches her narration from retelling the story oto commenting about her life in the present - why do you think the author has chosen to write in this style? I think the style of her narration is wonderful because she did not focus on either the past or the present. The story became interesting because of how the story is structured and narrated. I think the author did it this way so that we could have both information about the past and the present.

Saturday 28 July 2018

Tomorrow, When The War Began - Chapter Two

  1. How did the group of teenagers ascend Tailors Stitch? They used their parent's Landrover to ascend to Tailors Stitch.
  2. What are the two special events happening the day after the teenagers leave for the bush? The Commemoration day & The Wirrawee Show.
  3. How many days were they planning on staying? How much food do you think is reasonable to bring, split between 7 teenagers? They were planning on staying in there five days. I think a bag full of food would be helpful because having extra is better than having fewer supplies and they don't need to go back to the Landrover to get more supplies which means that they have to start the track all over again.
  4. Who is the Hermit and what is he supposed to have done? The Hermit is an ex-murder that killed his wife and baby. One of the paths in the Tailors Stitch is called Hermith's path. He is also rumored that he lives in "Hell"
  5. Do you think the Hermit will be significant to this story? Why/Why not? I believe that he will be a significant character in this book because he will not be in chapter two and other chapters if he is not important. I think he will have something to do with Ellie and her friends that will have a tremendous impact on the story.
  6. Is their decent down Satan’s Steps into Hell dangerous? Discuss what are the dangers, how could they have made it safer, what would you have done? I think that the track that they got through was riskier than the other tracks. They could hurt themselves in different ways. Probably they are still on their way in "Hell" but in a more hazardous track. I would probably bring a map with me so I know which way I should go.
  7. Predict what the bridge signifies. I think when they go across the bridge they will meet the Hermit on the other side. They will probably have an interaction with him and they could perhaps believe him that those famous stories about him are just rumors.

Thursday 26 July 2018

Tomorrow , When The War Began - Chapter One

Image result for tomorrow when the war began book
What are the advantages and disadvantages of first-person narration? The advantages of first-person narration are that we get to know how the person feels. We also can tell how he or she acts or what he thinks of others. Some disadvantages of first-person narration are that we don't know if the person who is narrating is saying the truth about the other person who is around him. Maybe he just hates the other person but he portraits it that the person he hates is the bad guy. Another disadvantage of first-person

Why do you think Ellie needs to tell the story in chronological order? From her own perspective, she chose to write before the war happened so we can have more knowledge before the war happened. She also considered that her writing can be on the history books so she needs to add every detail to what happened in her experience.

Pick one interesting word from the chapter, find its meaning, and explain why it is interesting. Reckon- Reckon means to think or to believe that it will happen. I'm interested in this word because it is hardly used in sentences because it's a slang word.

John Marsden foreshadows several events and characters in this chapter. Make three predictions based on the evidence in the text about what may occur later in the story.

- They will have a good time with their friends until something bad happen that will have a tremendous effect that will change their lives.
- Something bad will happen when they are out in the wilderness.
- I think they will be stranded and they need to survive with everything they have.

What kind of story do you think Ellie is going to tell? Uses evidence from the text to support your answers. In my opinion, I think Ellie will tell us what happened while she was out in the bush with her friends. She will also tell what she feels about other people that she invited. I also think that she will tell what's going on while they were out in the bushes. I think this is the story that she will tell because I think that the next chapter is when they 'go bush'.

What set of skills do these characters have that convince their parents that they can ‘go bush’ independently. Find examples for three characters.

Ellie- She Persuades her parents by agreeing to their terms and rules like she was the only one to drive the Landrover. She also promised that they will not do anything foolish so she can gain trust from her parents.

Lee- He has confidence that he can convince his parents to 'go bush' with Ellie.

Robyn- She doesn't have any confidence that she will convince her parents but she tried and with the help of Ellie she convinced Mr Marthers.

Tuesday 24 July 2018

Tomorrow When the War Began - Cover Examination

How do you think this story will be written? I think that the story will be written as there is a group of teenagers went into the wilderness to have some fun but suddenly out of nowhere a war happened without them knowing a thing about it. This group of friends will try something to stop the war for their freedom.

Why do you think the story is entitled as it is? I think that the story is entitled in that way is so that we can see the title clearly but other ideas that I have is on how they write Tomorrow, the word Tomorrow in the title is bigger than the other words and the way that they use punctuation marks. They also used a color white so that we can see the title clearly.

Where do you think the story will take place? The story will take place at a camp or a station where there is chaos everywhere.

What time period do you think the story is set in? I think the time will be at noon or it's close to being night time.

How is the cover composed? (camera angle/shot type/framing) There are different camera angles used but the one that stands out is when the barbed wire is shown. They used a close-up shot so that we can feel that the people in the book will be either on prison or survival camps. They also used mid shot on the people so that we can see how the setting or what is in the setting.

How is lighting used? (brightness/mood/contrast)They used a lowkey lighting so the shot can be dramatic.

How is text used? (font/size/language/positioning) The font size is big enough so that we can see the title and the white is used on the letters so that that's the first thing that caught our attention.

What symbolism is used? (objects/people/setting/colours) Sunset, barbed wire, people, and guns, these objects symbolize war.
Image result for tomorrow when the war began

Learning Journal - Health

Today I learned about the four types of Hauora, physical, social, mental/emotional and spiritual. We also learned how it means and the translation of it in Maori.

My Physical wellbeing is in a good shape because I do sports, I exercise and I think what I eat.

The things that I do well to look after my taha tinana are exercising, well-balanced meal, sports, I do my daily routine (taking a bat, brushing my teeth etc) and I don't take medicines which means I don't always get sick.

The things that I could do better for my physical wellbeing are to exercise daily, eat more healthy food and be passionate or be active in sports more.

This dimension is one of the 4 dimensions that I do need to work on is social well-being because I don't usually talk or socialize with my friends or family all the time.
Image result for physical well being clipartImage result for physical wellbeing clipart

Tuesday 3 July 2018

In English, we have been assigned to do a Digital Visual College. It reflects on what we have learned this year/ term and put it on a slide or a paper without putting any words to it. I chose to draw mine because it's hard to gather pictures and arrange them without having experience in editing.