
Monday 28 May 2018

Turning Copper Coins into Gold- Science

Aim: To turn a copper coin into gold

- Copper Coin/Copper Strip
-Bunsen Burner
-Heat Mat
-Gauze Mat
-Zinc Metal
-2.0 M Hydrochloric Acid/ ( Zinc Nitrate Solution)

1. Wash copper coin thoroughly
2. Add fresh strips of Zinc metal to the solution. Heat to a boiling over a Bunsen Burner.
3. Drop washed copper coin into the solution. Make sure it is touching some of the zinc metal or the reaction won't work
4. Leave coin in the solution for 5-10 minutes (check back to observe changes)
5. Remove coin with the tongs, and hold under running water to wash.
6. Use the tongs to hold the washed coin in the Bunsen flame. Observe the changes.

-When we leave the coin in the boiling solution for a couple of minutes some speckles of silver is showing in the copper coin.


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