
Wednesday 23 May 2018

Metal (Year 10) 2018

In term one and two we have been doing two projects, the F shape, and Drill Gauge. We are supposed to finish at term one but we have lack time and effort to finish it so we continued at term 2. Mr Reese made us choose to pick 2 projects the F shape and the drill gauge. We have been given an instruction paper for us to follow, It has the measurements and the methods for us to finish our work. 

I chose to do the F shape first because this whole project is for us to know how to use a Vernier and to measure properly. I did everything at the instruction paper but the result of my F shape is not that good. It does not fit together properly because I filed it causing more waste. We also had an option to spray paint it but It will cost more time and effort to do it because we are losing time.
Image result for nail punch

After I've been satisfied with my F shape I decided to do the drill gauge but instead, the instruction paper is posted on the wall because in real life work that's how it works. So I got a metal and filed it and used engineers blue to make my marking visible. I used different kinds tools caliper and a Vernier. After I marked my work I used a nail punch so the drill will go to the hole that I marked. 

In the instructions, It says that I need a 4, 6, 6.8, 8, 10 and 12mm drills. It's challenging to find different kinds of drills if u don't know how to use a vernier. The drills are hard to find because sometimes it is scattered to the whole workshop and you need to find it in different kinds of containers and drawers. Before you use a drill you are required to wear a safety glasses so that it protects the part of your eyes. You also need a partner that can give you a hand if you want to stop the drill. 

After I drilled all the holes I cleaned the remaining wastes on the holes and clean it with a file and emery cloth. I also used a machine called a buffing machine, It makes the metal cleaner and smoother. 

Image result for buffing machine

After we used the machine we are supposed to heat up and oil our drill gauge but I did not have that much time to do it because we have been doing this project for two terms. I also chose not to do it because It will be rough instead of being smooth but the negative thing about it is that it will easily be corroded.

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