
Thursday 31 May 2018

Stone Age Art - Social Studies

In Social Studies we have been studying about Stone Age Art. We have been sketching and making art like the ones in the Stone Age. We are supposed to paint like the art n the old days. Our drawings are supposed to have a story.

Monday 28 May 2018

Turning Copper Coins into Gold- Science

Aim: To turn a copper coin into gold

- Copper Coin/Copper Strip
-Bunsen Burner
-Heat Mat
-Gauze Mat
-Zinc Metal
-2.0 M Hydrochloric Acid/ ( Zinc Nitrate Solution)

1. Wash copper coin thoroughly
2. Add fresh strips of Zinc metal to the solution. Heat to a boiling over a Bunsen Burner.
3. Drop washed copper coin into the solution. Make sure it is touching some of the zinc metal or the reaction won't work
4. Leave coin in the solution for 5-10 minutes (check back to observe changes)
5. Remove coin with the tongs, and hold under running water to wash.
6. Use the tongs to hold the washed coin in the Bunsen flame. Observe the changes.

-When we leave the coin in the boiling solution for a couple of minutes some speckles of silver is showing in the copper coin.

SEXXY Paragraph

 In English, we have been learning about SEXXY Paragraph. We are supposed to do our own one about one specific scene in the movie called The Power of One.

Explanation of Director’s Purpose
Explanation of Effect on the Audience
Your Link
The director used a close-up shot so that you can see the facial expression of Geel Piet and Sergeant Borman
The shot was taken in a close-up shot so that we can feel that something bad will happen in Geel Piet. Geel Piet is being pushed in the wall by Sergeant Borman with a baton. It indicates that something will happen.
The director’s purpose of the close-up shot is so that we can see the facial expression of Geel Piet and Sergeant Borman
The Effect or impact of this Scene to the Audience is that they feel worried that something bad will happen.
This scene links when P.K was young and his granny called Dabula Manzi to make P.K brave they use this shot so that you can feel or see their facial expression.

Friday 25 May 2018

Social Studies - Otzi

Why is evidence important to a theory? The evidence is important in theories and statements because it proves or make your statement stronger and it makes your theories make sense. It also improves your statement because if you don't put an evidence in your theories no one will believe you because you don't have anything to prove it.

Thursday 24 May 2018

Hokey Pokey-Science

-50g sugar
-1/2 tsp baking soda
-1 TBSP golden syrup


1. Put all ingredients except baking soda in saucepan Over LOW HEAT

2. Raise heat slightly so it bubbles, Stir until sugar dissolves

3. Take off heat

4. Add baking soda & Stir OBSERVE

5. Pour carefully into tinfoil

6. Allow to cool

Power of One SEXXY Paragraph

In English, we have been learning about SEXXY paragraph. We need to explain
the movie using the SEXXY paragraph.
I have been working with Gian and Jhade and here's what we've come up with.
Statement: The director uses a long shot to show that the guard knows GP’ is up to
Example: The long shot shows both Sergeant Bormans legs in the foreground and
GP in the backgrounds we also see Borman’s baton in his hand. Geel Piet asks P.K
if he can have the tobacco that they use for the plants.
The guard then knows that Geel Piet always brings a bucket so the guard suspect that
Geel Piet is up to something.So they used a long shot.

eXplanation: They used a long shot so the scene is dramatic or showing
information that Geel Piet will be in trouble
eXplanation: The effect of the scene on us the audience is that we feel something is
about to happen to Geel Piet we feel worried or anxious.
Your Link: This shot links the scene when Jappie Bortha set the boxing gym on fire,
Jappie Bortha uses his power to make the others weak.
It connects because both Sergeant Borman uses his position when he beats up
Geel Piet.

Wednesday 23 May 2018

Metal (Year 10) 2018

In term one and two we have been doing two projects, the F shape, and Drill Gauge. We are supposed to finish at term one but we have lack time and effort to finish it so we continued at term 2. Mr Reese made us choose to pick 2 projects the F shape and the drill gauge. We have been given an instruction paper for us to follow, It has the measurements and the methods for us to finish our work. 

I chose to do the F shape first because this whole project is for us to know how to use a Vernier and to measure properly. I did everything at the instruction paper but the result of my F shape is not that good. It does not fit together properly because I filed it causing more waste. We also had an option to spray paint it but It will cost more time and effort to do it because we are losing time.
Image result for nail punch

After I've been satisfied with my F shape I decided to do the drill gauge but instead, the instruction paper is posted on the wall because in real life work that's how it works. So I got a metal and filed it and used engineers blue to make my marking visible. I used different kinds tools caliper and a Vernier. After I marked my work I used a nail punch so the drill will go to the hole that I marked. 

In the instructions, It says that I need a 4, 6, 6.8, 8, 10 and 12mm drills. It's challenging to find different kinds of drills if u don't know how to use a vernier. The drills are hard to find because sometimes it is scattered to the whole workshop and you need to find it in different kinds of containers and drawers. Before you use a drill you are required to wear a safety glasses so that it protects the part of your eyes. You also need a partner that can give you a hand if you want to stop the drill. 

After I drilled all the holes I cleaned the remaining wastes on the holes and clean it with a file and emery cloth. I also used a machine called a buffing machine, It makes the metal cleaner and smoother. 

Image result for buffing machine

After we used the machine we are supposed to heat up and oil our drill gauge but I did not have that much time to do it because we have been doing this project for two terms. I also chose not to do it because It will be rough instead of being smooth but the negative thing about it is that it will easily be corroded.

Friday 11 May 2018

Tech and Change - Interview

In this past 2 weeks on Term 2 we started a new topic called Tech and Change. We are supposed to interview at least a minimum of four people about their devices. So we interview 3 people in our group and 2 different teenagers and asked them different questions about their devices. 

Thursday 10 May 2018

Testing pH

Aim: To test the pH of a range of household chemicals.

Equipment: A variety of household chemical, spotting tile, red litmus paper, blue litmus paper, Universal indicator solution, safety glasses.

1. Add a few drops of each chemical to a spot on your spotting tile. If a substance is solid or powdered you will need to mix it with a few drops of water before testing it.

2. Test the chemicals with litmus papers.

3. Test each chemical with a few drops of Universal indicator.

Chemical being tested
Colours in blue litmus
Colour in red litmus
Colour in Universal indicator

Red - Orange
Morning Fresh




Dark Purple

Wednesday 2 May 2018

Tech and Change

Image result for technology
1. How we Communicate
2.How we Study

Technology has changed a lot of things for the better. But can tech also have a negative impact on us?
I think that there are positive and negative impacts on our life.
One of the negatives that technology impacts us is by losing too many jobs.
Machines are taking over our jobs so people like farmers and other people don't have enough money
to support their selves or their families.

Definition of Technology- Machinery and devices that impacts the community by different things.
1. How we Communicate
2.How we Study

Technology has changed a lot of things for the better. But can tech also have a negative impact on us?
I think that there are positive and negative impacts on our life.
One of the negatives that technology impacts us is by losing too many jobs.
Machines are taking over our jobs so people like farmers and other people don't have enough money to support themselves or their families. Another negative impact is our health.
Like if we stayed for 5 hours straight on our devices without taking a break it might take away our vision.

Definition of Technology- Machinery and devices that impacts the community by different things.

Tuesday 1 May 2018

Term 1 Reflection

Image result for reflective thinking

What did I do well?

I think that I exceeded the expectations of my teachers. I also learned new things in different subjects, mostly Science, Math, and English.  I practiced a lot of skills.

What will I do next? 

I think that I could at least do better a little more, I also think that I need to change my learning perspective and listen more.

What could I have done better?

 I will pay more attention to our subject so that I can get high standards or at least excellence. I also need to take year 10 a lot more serious because next year I will take NCEA exams. What I want to accomplish in this year's ESOL is to speak or write English fluently.