
Friday 13 April 2018

Reflection -(Social-Studies)-

Term 1 Social Studies Reflection

This term we learned about different topics like Human Trafficking, Human Rights, Iqbal's story, Slave trade etc. But what I really like from all of the topics that we learned is Iqbal's story, his story gave me chills because he goes into a hard life goes past it but he lost his own life for what his fighting for. All of the other topics suits Iqbal's story. He lost his Human Rights because they turned him into a slave.

Human Trafficking is also a fun topic, Human Trafficking is still happening this day in different countries. It's happening because the lack of money, poverty or they are being tricked into having a good life. The one's been tricked is either going to be a slave or sold to different people.

All of the topics that we studied involved Human Rights. Human Rights is the rights that belong to every person. The people who have been in Human Trafficking and been a slave lost their Human Rights in many ways.

This is some of the topics that we've studied in Social Studies this term. I'm looking forward to seeing what we are going to study and learn next term.


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