
Wednesday 10 May 2017


A.Newspapers are one example of an advertising medium. Can you think of


B.Look at these words. Label each word 1 for ‘advertising media’, 2 for

‘methods of advertising’ or 3 for ‘verbs to do with advertising’.
advertorials 2

banner ads 1

billboards (AmE)/1

hoardings (BrE)2






free samples2



outdoor advertising2




posters 1

press 2

product placement1







viral advertising2

C.Which of the methods do you connect to which media?

D.Which of the verbs you identified in exercise B combine with these nouns?

1 run a campaign 3 endorse an advertisement 5 sponsor a consumer

2 sponsor a product 4 run an event 6run a message

E.Choose the most suitable words to complete these sentences.

1 A lot of cosmetics companies give away leaflets / ads / free samples so that

customers can try the product before they buy.

2 Advertising companies spend a lot of money on creating clever slogans / posters /

exhibitions that are short and memorable, such as the message for Nike: ‘Just do it’.

3 Celebrity exhibition / commercial / endorsement is a technique that is very popular in

advertising at the moment.

4 If news about a product comes to you by word of mouth / ads / the Internet,

someone tells you about it rather than you seeing an advert.

5 Many companies use post and electronic slogans / commercials / posters because they

can target a particular group of consumers all at the same time.

F.give examples of:

1 any viral campaigns you have read about-GoPro Hero in Action

2 clever slogans that you remember from advertising campaign-Nike

3 sponsorship of any sporting or cultural events.-Nba

G.What makes a good tv advertisement? think about ones you have seen.

use some of these words.

clever interesting funny inspiring eye-catching original

powerful strange shocking informative sexy controversial you think that these advertising practices are acceptable? are any other

types of advertisement offensive?

1 Using children in advertisements

2 Using actors who pretend to be ‘experts’

3 Using nudity in advertisements

4 Using ‘shock tactics’ in advertisements

5 Promoting alcohol on TV

6 Comparing your products to your competitors’ products

7 An image flashed onto a screen very quickly so that people are influenced without

noticing it (subliminal advertising)

8 Exploiting people’s fears and worries
Answer-Yes because there so offensive especially the nudity.

I.Which of the following statements do you agree with?

1 People remember advertisements, not products.

2 Advertising has a bad influence on children.

3 Advertising tells you a lot about the culture of a particular society.

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