
Monday 29 May 2017

My Blog for Creativity

Framework of Creativity

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Image result for framework for creativity

Image result for framework for creativity

Design Process

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Image result for design process

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Create & Sell

How can I sell my elixir to  the Carmen Road Academy Cafe?Making an advertisement.
How can I get it past the Healthy Kids Committee?It doesn't have Caffeine and less Sugar

RESPECT the consumer? Ethics
Is my product safe?Yes, it does no harm. Does it make people sick?No because it's from fresh ingredients

Is it reasonably priced?Yeah it sells for $3.50 for 500ml Honest?
Am I making true claims for it?Yeah

My Elixir- will make you healthy because it's made from natural ingredients.

Friday 26 May 2017

Big Hero 6 Role Play

Big Hero 6
On Our drama lesson we are learning how to act on a script(sorry for the lag.......)

Thursday 25 May 2017


Balancing Sequence

Base Sequence


Image result for mark zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg

He was born 14 of May 1984 age of 33.His net worth is 61.9 billion USD.He created Facebook on February 4, 2004.
One of the challenges he face is funding and investment.The problem of funding is one such issue which Mark Zuckerberg overcame by running a few advertisements on its website initially. In 2004 when there wasn’t any outside funding available, Mark put his own money into his business. It was a challenge for Mark Zuckerberg to find potential lead investors and it was required that Facebook must reach 1.5 million users by the end of 2004 in order to get the first angel Investment which they narrowly missed but the loan was still allowed to them.

Mark ZUckerberg’s classmates Andrew McCollum, Chris Hughes help him create facebook and they succeed.

Friday 19 May 2017


 So, what have you been working on?
I'll show you.
Duct tape?
I hate to break it to you, bro.
Already been invented.
This is what I've been working on.
Hello. I am Baymax.
Your personal healthcare companion.
I was alerted to the need
for medical attention
when you said, "ow."
A robotic nurse.
On a scale of 1 to 10,
how would you rate your pain?
Physical or emotional?
I will scan you now.
Scan complete.
You have a slight epidermal
abrasion on your forearm.
I suggest an anti-bacterial spray.
What's in the spray, specifically?
The primary ingredient is bacitracin.
That's a bummer.
I'm actually allergic to that.
You are not allergic to bacitracin.
You do have a mild allergy to
Not bad.
You've done some serious
coding on this thing, huh?
Programmed him with
over 10,000 medical procedures.
This chip is what
makes baymax, baymax.
Yeah, going for a non-threatening,
huggable kind of thing.
Looks like a walking marshmallow.
-No offense.
-I am a robot.
I cannot be offended.
-Hyperspectral cameras?
-Titanium skeleton?
-Carbon fiber.
Right. Even lighter.
Killer actuators.
Where did you get those?
Machined them right here, in-house.
He can lift 1,000 pounds.
Shut up.
You have been a good boy.
Have a lollipop.
I cannot deactivate until you say
you are satisfied with your care.
Well then, I'm satisfied with my care.

Tadashi -vince
Hiro -lindley


Who am I? Tadashi Hamada
What kind of person am I– shy, outgoing,  bossy, fun, anxious-Creative
What do I look like?Tall
My age?18  
Gender? Male
What do I believe in?
Like?Building Stuff
Dislike?  Hiro joining Bot-Fighting
What do I do for fun? Building Stuff
What time is it?Unknown
Afternoon, morning, evening?Evening
What century is 2014?2014
Is it summer? Winter?Summer
Where am I?Lab
inside or outside, suburb city or country, region…planet?Inside San Fransokyo-(San Francisco and Tokyo
What surrounds me?Scientists
The environment: furniture, colours, smells, textures, sounds, etc.Technology stuff
What are my relationships?Unknown
Who are my family? Hiro Hamada and Cass Hamada
My friends? Honey Lemon,GoGo Tomago,Wasabi and Fred
My teachers? Robert Callaghan
My enemies?Robert Callaghan

One of our group is injured so we can't do it today we're going to do it next week.

Geogebra work

For some days we used a application called Geogebra and we used it to learn Geometry.

Level 3 Geogebra Work

Level 4 Geogebra Work

Level 5 Geogebra Work

History of Geometry and Angles of Geometry

History of Geometry 

Egyptians used geometric principles to lay out their city .

2. What did other tribes or mathematician contributed to geometry?

3. The new word that I encountered is Tangible

4.How is Pythagoras similar or different to M.C Escher

History of Geometry

Angles of Geometry 

1. An angle is a fraction of a circle where the whole circle is 360°.

2.The new vocabulary introduced vocabulary term to me was subtended

3.How is Radians similar or different to angles?

4.My weaknesses are angles and geometry. My plan is to try and revise angles and geometry.

Slide Show
Angles of Geometry

Thursday 18 May 2017

Maths (Geometry-Algebra)

History of Geometry

1.What were the main mathematical concepts or ideas that you learned or that we discussed in class? I learned different kinds of things on Geometry and Algebra and the history of it.I learned that Egyptians build the pyramids using Geometry and M.C Escher used Geometry for his artworks.

2.What questions do you still have about? How did Pythagoras learned or where did see Geometry?

Angles of Geometry

1.What were the main mathematical concepts or ideas that you learned or that we discussed in class? I learned about types of Angles and using a protractor.

2.What questions do you still have about?  I still don't know Radians vs Angles and what if it's over 300 degrees like 720 degrees is it going to repeat over the circle.

Tuesday 16 May 2017


Utilitarianism-means that all people is useful not with the beauty but with the works that they've done.

Kantianism-means that every human in the world is important or valuable and no 1 human should be sacrificed for the sake of the many.

Fine Art-need of great skill to accomplish the things that you want to finish or being appreciated for the work that you've done.

Investment Art-selling you're art in a cheap price and hoping that the piece of work that you've done get's more higher price when you build your reputation.

Decor/Craft Art-Decor art is when you buy cheap supplies and making art work then selling it on a high price. Craft art is when you see a art work and sell for cheap

What is a Market? The place when you sell stuff.

 What is Market  

-A Market is where you sell stuff .   

Make your art inspiring
-The Ways that you can do to make your Art Market to make it successful is to make arts that inspire you or arts that can make people that buys your work think where did you make this art or who inspire you to make it.

Team up with Local Charity
  • Find a charity whose work  you admire and whose core recipients or donors fit with your target market . so ,if you´re a pet portrait painter , you want to get in touch with the animal shelter . Nature artist could look for conservation groups. If your art deals with complex social issues , you could contact your local  victim support Women's  Refuge.
      Once you´ve chosen a charity ,contact them and offer to work with them on their next project or event .

-Make advertisements
You can make advertisements like slogans or posters then ask the local communities if you can post it into their houses or into their fences,it can help you guide or make the people interested.

Get in touch with the bussiness
As well as getting your name recognized in the arts community, you might find a wealth of contacts and potential collectors in the business community. Businesses love to be seen supporting the arts, and they all have offices that need decorating, gala dinners that need prizes, and websites and products that need evocative images and packaging.

Monday 15 May 2017

Hugo Cabret Reading Log Template

Image result for the invention of hugo cabret movieText type:Historical Fiction
Title:The Invention Of Hugo Cabret 
Author:Brian Selznick
Year of Publication:30th of January 2007

What is the text about?It's about  a fictional character named Hugo Cabret helping a Famous Magician and Film maker named Georges Miles who is a real man.
Where/when is it set?It's on a busy Paris train station and it's on 1931
Who are the characters? Hugo Cabret,Georges Melies,Station Inspector,Mama Jeanne,Uncle Claude and Isabelle
Did I like this text?Yes because it makes me think that I'm on the story.

Choose one of these questions to answer:

Image result for the invention of hugo cabretDescribe an important character in the text? What makes this character important? Hugo Cabret, because it makes the story of Georges Melies more interesting and good. Of course Georges Melies is an important character because without him there will be no good movies.Georges Melies also told us that movies make dreams come true.