
Monday 19 November 2018

Passion Projects 19/11/2108

What is your Passion Project?
We are doing Community Sports for our Passion Projects. We picked to do basketball but we have encountered some difficulties and chose to do football for years 7 to 8

What have you learnt so far?
We've sent an email to Mr Hillard for permission to use both gymnasium and sports equipment.

How does this help you achieve your Passion Project?
It helps us by having permission for the gyms and the equipments we need.

What is your next step? 
Our next step is to figure out what equipment we need and what are the rules are and how are we going to run the event.

What evidence do you have that this is something you need to do?
Because we don't have the right equipment and we need someone to provide it for us.

Please provide a screenshot or a photographic evidence of your work so far. 


  1. Good job on emailing Mr Hillard. Without your email, we can't start our project.

  2. Great email to Mr hillard vince, Like the how your doing stuff for the community.


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