
Wednesday 21 February 2018

10TecM- February 21 2018 - Presentation on Classification of Metals.

The start of the school year we are learning about Classification of Metals. We studied it for 1 to 2 weeks and moved on the types of metals. 

Classification of Metal

There are Ferrous Metals which contains Iron which therefore  magnetic and rust if revealed or touched my moisture or sunlight. Examples of Ferrous metals are Vehicle scrap metal, Cast Iron, Steel, Wrought Iron and Free Brochure.

 Non-Ferrous Metals does not contain Iron which therefore is not magnetic and does not rust. 
 Examples of Non Ferrous are Aluminium, Copper, Brass, Lead, Stainless Steel, Zinc, Gold, silver, bronze and platinum.

Alloys means combining to different metals to form with each other. 

Classification of Metals

Properties of Metal

Hardness- Ability of a material to resist penetration or scratching.
Ductility- Ability of a material to be drawn into wires.
Brittleness- Ability of material to fracture on receiving shock or blow.
Toughness- Property of a material where it can absorb energy before actual fracture.
Elasticity- A property of a material to bend and to be drawn back to its original shape.
Malleability- A property or ability of a material to be cut or hammered into pieces.
Tenacity- It’s a behavior of metal when it’s broken or deformed.

Density- The degree of compactness of a substance.

We started Practical this Tuesday, Mr Reese make us choice if we are going to do a Drill Gauge or F shape. I chose the F shape because I think that it's easier than the Drill Gauge.  I currently don't have a metal to use yet because we ran out of time to cut one. 

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