
Tuesday 28 November 2017

Third Action Plan

Our Third Action Plan is to get the materials we need. We ask Mrs. Clemence but she said that Spray Paint is way too expensive to give away. So we need to make a new plan.

We are thinking about buying our own spray paint and chalk but Mrs. Turner suggested that what we should do is we should let the students or teachers write there names or Initials behind the Hornby Pride for $1. We are still thinking if we should do it because we might add some background to it.

We already have blue and yellow spray paint right now. We need black and red spray paint for the designs and the outline.

Monday 27 November 2017

PBL Second Action Plan

Here are some of the examples that we showed to Mr. Sutton He chose the one at the top because he likes the writing because it is easy to read. He also likes the colours because they represent joining or combining different communities, nationalities, and different genders.

He then asks us if we can put some background on it but we are still thinking about it.
We are already done sketching it and we are ready to buy spray paint to make it better.
We are going to make stencils for graffiti so it can have designed.

He likes the design of it because it is easy to read. One of our designs is good but it is hard to read.

Monday 20 November 2017

PBL- 1st Action Plan

On Thursday, November 23 we go to the Principal's office to ask for permission to graffiti the empty walls. The principal like the examples that we did and ask when are we going to do it, we replied next week and we need his suggestion for what are we going to write. We finished the first action plan and the 2nd now we are on the 3rd action plan which is collecting and buying the materials we need.

Thursday 16 November 2017

PBL- November 16th 2017- Thursday

First Action Plan 
Steps needed to achieve the goal.
What will help us achieve this goal?(Enablers)
Possible barriers and how they could be overcome.
Who is responsible for this step?
Date this step will be achieved by.
We are going to ask the school Principal if we can paint some walls or fences.
The teachers will let me get out of the class and ask permission to the principal
The School we’ll not accept- We can overcome this by putting some posters that Graffiti can be a good thing
Friday 1st of December/ Week 7

Second Action Plan

Steps needed to achieve the goal.
What will help us achieve this goal?(Enablers)
Possible barriers and how they could be overcome.
Who is responsible for this step?
Date this step will be achieved by.
After we ask Mr Sutton we go ask the public if they want to help us.
We can put some posters if they want to make some graffiti to our school to make it better.
No one wants to help us.

We can overcome this by asking some students or doing a survey
Friday 1st of December/ Week 7
Third Action Plan
Steps needed to achieve the goal.
What will help us achieve this goal?(Enablers)
Possible barriers and how they could be overcome.
Who is responsible for this step?
Date this step will be achieved by.
WE Practice it on a paper and we should go to the destination and paint the walls
Before The actual day that we paint the walls we should practice doing it on a paper and present it to the Principal if he likes it.
Mr Sutton will not like the graffiti that we’ve done.

WE can Overcome this by Making some more Graffiti and make him pick one
Week 7/ Friday the 1st December.

Four Action  Plan

Steps needed to achieve the goal.
What will help us achieve this goal?(Enablers)
Possible barriers and how they could be overcome.
Who is responsible for this step?
Date this step will be achieved by.
WE Practice it on a paper and we should go to the destination and paint the walls
Before The actual day that we paint the walls we should practice doing it on a paper and present it to the Principal if he likes it.
Mr Sutton will not like the graffiti that we’ve done.

WE can Overcome this by Making some more Graffiti and make him pick one
Week 7/ Friday the 1st December.

Wednesday 15 November 2017

PBL- 15/11/17

Group Name: Fantastic Four

The topic that we've chosen:Image result for graffiti

Websites that we've accessed: 

Described the issue: We agreed that we should not be against Graffiti because Graffiti is not actually bad unless you make it bad or put it in a bad place. We are encouraging people to do Graffiti in the right places like abandoned buildings empty not used walls or school walls but they need to ask permission first before you they do it. 

My group agrees that we should paint some walls of the school. On the other hand, we ask other people or the public if they want to erase the Graffiti on their walls or the Graffiti in the streets or public toilets like in the Kyle Park.

I think the impact will be good for the public because the people who can draw Graffiti can express their emotions freely but they need to ask the people that own the property if they can paint their walls or fences.

Monday 13 November 2017

About PBL

I think PBL is a fun activity because we can change the community around us. Like about Alcohol and drugs. On the other hand, I think it's a waste of time because some of us are struggling or can't understand what are we doing at PBL. Right now there are a mix Emotions but I think it's the best that we can help the community.

Image result for community clipartImage result for community clipartImage result for community clipart

With my group the topic we pick is Graffiti. We write about how graffiti affects the community where did it start and why did it become famous. We are currently on checkpoint 3 and I think we are doing good and we are ahead.
Image result for graffitiImage result for graffiti
The things that I write about is who and where did the Graffiti start.
In PBL you can research but you can't copy and paste so you need to read the whole paragraph to understand and write your own sentences how you understand the topic.