
Wednesday 27 June 2018

Tower Defence DTE


In DTE we have been assigned to make an app/game. I've been assigned to work with Thamie & Lindley for these past two terms to produce a quality app/game. In term one our task is to gather information about our game. We can choose whatever game or app that we want to make so we choose tower defense. In term two we coded and designed our games. We decided to create a tower defense game because the graphics can be 2d which means we can design the characters easily. We tried to find different games so that we can just copy the codes out of it.


Here are the pictures on some of the ideas that we made. We used these two sites PixelArt and Scratch to create our game. We designed our towers in PixelArt because it's easy to use. We used Scratch to make our game because Scratch is not complicated to use. Some of the artworks are also done in Scratch so we don't need to transfer stuff because it will take us ages before we transfer each artwork into the game. We are supposed to create more towers and artwork but we did not manage to do some more because of lack of effort.


We each have roles to do so we manage easily. We did not finish our game but we did have a little progress. We have designed some towers and the menu as well as the map. We each have roles to do, I was supposed to code the game, Thamie makes a story and Lindley makes the artwork. I didn't finish coding the game because I helped Lindley in some of the artwork.

I think that our group can finish the game if we put more effort into doing the task because sometimes we are off task or we just mess around or talk to each other. We also lack communication on who's doing what. I think if we communicate more we will have more progress than what we have now. The mistakes that we've made is that we don't have a specific goal on what will the game look like.

I think that our team can improve by helping each other and ask each other questions if they finished what they are supposed to do or if they don't understand what the task is.  I can also improve by listening and understanding each code or making it easier for us to do the game. What we can learn from this is to understand and learn how to make an app/game.

I can challenge my self by focusing on the task for the whole period without mocking around or being off task. I also need to put more effort into my tasks so that we can reach our goal or finish our game. I think I've been put into a group that can exceed our teacher's expectations but we did not put our full effort and time into it so we did not finish a quality game.


If you have a chance to make a game or an app what will you make?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Vince. This is a really great in critically analysing of your developmental process, your group work and your holistic learning. Next take a bit of time to work on your grammar and references.


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