
Wednesday 7 March 2018

Game description about Interland

Game description about Interland

Game description about Interland

This past 2 weeks we have been learning about digital citizenship and internet safety. We have been told to play the game and write a description of it. We are supposed to put on the document what the level is, the content or what the level is supposed to mean and the design, what should we keep and change. The sight is officially made by google so that you can learn how to be safe in the internet. The site is helpful and good for children because it is just like a normal game but you can actually learn something from it.

Image result for interland levelsImage result for interlandImage result for interland levels


The game is called Interland, Interland helps you how to be safe on the internet. You can play different levels and each level has a component of how to be safe on the internet. There are 4 levels and they have different puzzles or difficulties and it is up to you how your going to finish the game.

The first level is called Mindful Mountain, the leveled showed us to be careful what we are sharing on social media. The purpose of the game is that you are suppose to pass every anonymous or unknown person and share to your friends .
The second level is called Tower Treasure, the level showed taught us that we need to have a strong password that cannot be guessed easily so that the hackers can't hack it . The third one is called Kind Kingdom, your avatar is suppose to defend the victims from bullying and take away the bullies from the victims. The last one is called Reality River, the level showed us that we need to be honest or wise to make choices. The purpose of the game is that you suppose to cross the river by picking a right choice or path, there are currently 3 to 4 choices.

After you finish the different levels you then each get an achievement of what you accomplish. In my opinion, I think that Interland is really helpful for kids and teens because it helps you how to be safe and protective on the internet.



What do you think about the game?

Have you played this game already?

Do you think that your safe on the internet?

1 comment:

  1. Hi!I'm Lindley. I really like your work and the way it has lots of information in it and you actually put link where you got the pictures.If you would like to see my learning. My blog is


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